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  • #103193

    Thanks for the insight Ralph.

    One more question: Does the render scale setting in Oculus Runtime (using the oculus debug tool) affect the quality on top of the resolution used in-game? i.e. if I set it to 2.0, will I get better image quality on top of setting the game resolution to 1920×1440?


    I have been doing some investigating:

    The Oculus render resolution absolutely has a great affect on the image.

    Please see here:
    <unable to paste link; uncool>
    Just google “Increase the render resolution of the Rift” – it’s the top link…

    This is an extremely important tool because it dramatically changes the Rift’s resolution, sharpness, and antialiasing effects. It completely transforms the Rift IMHO.

    I believe the render target resolution on the Rift when this tool is set to 1.0 is the native resolution of the display, i.e. 2160×1200.

    Setting this to 1.4 (a render resolution of 1513×1680 I think) gives great image quality in games compared to default! (Some games use values lower than 1!).

    With VorpX, We want to get this close to the game resolution, i.e. 1920×1440, so we want to set the debug resolution to 1.2, which brings the render target to 2592×1440.

    I have tested this with various settings:

    Setting of 0.4 = smooth (high game resolution) but blurry (low Render target).
    Setting of 1.0 = smooth and sharp.
    Setting of 1.2 = smooth and sharper
    Setting of 2.0 = smooth and even sharper (Placebo?)

    The interesting thing is that although in other games, this value heavily impacts performance, with VorpX, this setting doesn’t seem to impact performance probably due to the fact that the scene has already been rendered at the game resolution, and is only passed along to Oculus software for final warping. This means that this does not seem to impact performance! I would recommend 2.0 setting, if indeed it’s not a placebo above 1.2.

    Ralph, a quick breakdown of the different stages of the rendering, with their respective resolutions would be immensely helpful in our understanding. Right now, I’m just taking stabs in the dark. This could potentially be a huge boon to VorpX Image quality.

    For example, my understanding is that:

    Image is rendered at Game Resolution then passed into –> Oculus Render Target Resolution which does the anti-lens distortion, which is then passed onto the display –> Rift Display 1080×1200. Am I correct?

    Thanks :)


    That’s basically how it works, yes. The second step is quite a bit more complex, but that’s not something I can get into in detail.


    Thanks for sharing. This does seem to have an impact on clarity and I am not noticing a performance drop.

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