Blurred textures and znormal adaptative bugged

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    Since december 2022, I can’t run Vorpx on my main PC properly both in HP Reverb G2 as Oculus Rift S (specs below).

    Games like oblivion, fallout 3, fallout vegas skyrim… textures look blurred inside headset (I don’t know how to express it, it’s like a posterized image with much less quality) and all the games have much less performance even at minimum resolutions/quality. (on the monitor textures show properly, I don’t understand that)

    When trying to run games in z normal or z adaptative, headset shows only colored lines on the image (on the monitor it shows perfectly again). What could be happenning?. I have made a clean vorpx reinstall without success.

    Thank you in advance

    VORPX 21.3.3
    Core i7 12700k
    32GB DDR3600
    Windows 11 22H2 updated
    HP REVERB G2 and Oculus RIFT S

    Windows has been being updated during this time, also my RTX 3090 (it has been tested with drivers 517.48 to 531.68)


    Please update to the latest beta. The last regular vorpX release doesn’t work right for DX9 in Windows 11 22H2: beta download

    Alternativly wait until tomorrow. I’ll upload a hotfix for the last regular build that will address this issue.


    Thanks a lot. Beta 23 solved all these problems. Greetings!!

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