Cant get Mirror's Edge and Metro Last Light to work.

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion Cant get Mirror's Edge and Metro Last Light to work.

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    Everything works fine except Mirror’s Edge and Metro Last Light. Its as if i would start them without VorpX – No Stereo image or headtracking. I also tried to start the games directly from their directory.


    Metro is working now (I have no idea why) but it lacks any 3D.
    Mirrors Edge ist still not beign recognized by VorpX.


    Sometimes you simply have to try again. Usually two or three times should suffice though.

    You can also create special vorpX shortcuts, that hook a game in another and more reliable way. Right-click the vorpX tray icon and select “Create Desktop Shortcut”, then select the .exe you want to start. This will create a shortcut on the desktop, as the menu entry title suggests. ;)

    While using these shortcuts it might make sense to pause the ‘watcher’, also via the right click menu of the tray icon.

    Unfortunately these shortcuts do not work well with many Steam games, but it’s always worth a try.


    Thanks for the reply but I still cant get Mirrors Edge to be recognized by vorpX. It just boots up normally no matter how I launch the game. Every other supported game works fine for me.


    I finally got Mirror’s Edge working. I still had the d3d9.dll from Vireio in the Binaries folder.


    Got Metro LL working, but the colors look strange. I am having a lot of moiré effects, especially in dark corners. Is there a solution beside adjusting only gamma?


    Metro LL only works in 2d.
    need profile created by Ralph to activate geometry 3d.


    to reduce blacksmear and cromatic aberration in menu vorpx.
    but no 3d,need profile.


    I think you need to run Last light in DX9 to get 3D anyway, word is when you try to force DX9 the game wont boot, that may only apply to redux or an up to date patch on the original though.

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