Cyberpunk 2077 vr config

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  • #209640

    Je vais continuer à chercher, si je trouve je posterais ici. Mille merci de votre patience :)

    I’ll keep looking, if I find I’ll post here. Many thanks for your patience :)


    Bonjour, j’ai fini par réussir, a priori, c’était bien un problème de openxr, tout est implacable à part 2 choses :)
    Lorsque l’on bouge la tête, l’image est vraiment moche comme s’il n’y avait pas de synchronisation verticale.
    Et les manettes ne fonctionnent pas toujours, il faut parfois insister pour que cela fonctionne.
    Petite question aussi au sujet de la netteté, j’ai tout mis au maximum, ça ne rame pas, mais ce n’est pas net, une solution ?

    Hello, I ended up succeeding, a priori, it was indeed an openxr problem, everything is relentless apart from 2 things :)
    When you move your head, the image is really ugly as if there was no vertical synchronization.
    And the controllers don’t always work, sometimes you have to insist to make it work.
    Small question also about the sharpness, I put everything to the maximum, it does not row, but it is not clear, a solution?


    Please read the ingame instructions that are displayed when you start the game.

    Performance (‘no vertical sync’):

    The game is extremely demanding. Start with graphics details set to ‘LOW’. If that works on your PC, try something better. But start with ‘LOW’


    For a really crisper image the resolution has to be set higher (‘Resolution Quality’ in the menu). The clarity option helps, but it’s not the same as raising the resolution. Keep mind thogh that a higer resolution is more demanding, so you have to find the right balance for your PC.


    You have to move them a few centimeters before the mod considers them active.


    Merci beaucoup, le jeux tourne très bien en raytracing ultra, petit bémol quand on bouge la sourie mais je pense que cela viens du moteur vorpx. Merci encore de l’aide

    Thank you very much, the game runs very well in ultra raytracing, small problem when you move the mouse but I think it comes from the vorpx engine. Thanks again for the help


    No matter what GPU you have, the game will not run well with ultra raytracing in VR at decent (crisp) resolutions.

    You will find it more enjoyable when you trade raytracing effects for a higher framerate/resolution.


    ok thanks

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