Difficulties with Vorpx

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    I am sure there is something I am doing wrong. So I figured I would post here. The problem that I am having is this. No matter what I try to start be it Skyrim or Battlefield 4 The game just crashes. With Skyrim I at least get the error stating that my resolution is not supported. I am beating my head against the wall. I have made the DK2 the primary screen (Huge pain in the ass) and yet I keep getting this issue. Please help!


    Please make sure that games are set to 1920×1080 for the Rift DK2. It’s more picky in this regard than DK1. Also please double check the display config. The DK2 has to be set to “Portrait”.

    Skyrim should also work with the Rift set to ‘Direct to HMD’ BTW. Saving you the Extended-mode hassle. Most other games probably won’t though.


    OK. My problems with VorpX 0.7.1:

    1. I have 4 monitors (including DK2). My DK2 is set as monitor 2 and is situated on the right side of main one. When I set displaying game only to DK2, it display it to monitor number 3. I had to set displaying on monitor 3 to get rendering on DK2 (which is monitor 2).

    2. When I run any of the supported game, in the begining there is no head tracking applying to image, in some cases it works only to move with game cursor. After I press DELL to display VorpX menu, everything works fine. When I close VorpX menu, I have no tracking again. Becasue of this, there is for example no possibility to calibrate IPD when whoe image is moving with my head or I don’t see game menu items, when they are left or right.

    3. I have no 3D effect in games. I tried Bioshock Infinite, Mirrors Edge and Skyrim. I see only 2D image disturbed around me. Tracking is working well but I get flat result.

    I checked my setting and they are good according to manual. What can be wrong? Thanks for answer Ralf.



    1. Multiple monitor may cause problems. If in doubt, please disable additional monitors. I am aware that this is less ideal, but this got slighly worse the DK2 and the need to set it to portrait unfortunately.

    2. Not sure what might cause this. If others report similer things I will investigate it. For now I do not have an explanation unfortunately.

    3. Please check the different 3D-options (Geometry 3D/Z-Buffer), especially in Geometry 3D, when supported, it’s next to impossible that a game does not show a 3D effect. In Z-Buffer 3D some graphics cards/drivers may prevent vorpX from finding the Z-Buffer, but that would only affect a few games at most. You can enhance the 3D effect by raising the “3D-Strength” slider in the options menu.


    Ralf: I am hoping that you can help me here is what my problem seems to be. I deleted my Skyrim and other games so that I was sure to have a fresh copy of Skyrim Battlefield 4 and Wow. I set the DK2 To Portrait mode and boot the game. It boots find and head tracking moves my mouse like it is supposed to. That said the problem is nothing is centered. If I turn off my dk2 I can see the game on my other monitors so I can try to describe what I am seeing. The tops of the windows are blank and the game is running close to the bottom. If I boot the Dk2 back up and look again all I see is the very sides of the screen. Please help!


    Hard to understand this issue without seeing it. Please double check whether your Rift and vorpX are setup as described in the setup guide.

    The only time I encountered an image that was offset somehow was using Direct to HMD mode with a wrong resolution. May that be the issue here? If so, please do not use Direct mode, it’s not supported by vorpX currently. Use exactly the configuration that is described in the setup guide and set games to 1920×1080.


    View post on imgur.com

    This is what it looks like but it is actually on its side like it is in portrait mode. My DK2 is set to portrait mode and this makes it like portrait of portrait (like a forced Landscape)


    To give you an idea what I am seeing on my settings and setup Thanks for the support! I cannot wait to get this working! http://imgur.com/eDrmYT8



    1) It works well with multiple monitors. I can set to display in monitor 3 to get rendering in my Rift. So it only seems to problem with monitor ID detection and it’s not big deal.

    2) I tried restart PC but it didn’t help. In start screens and games menu I can control with head tracking only mouse cursor. But whole image is moving with me so I cas see only screen part which is directly in front of me. And it is too close that I see only part which is in the middle.

    3) I have Geometry mode enabled and no 3D. Game frame is disturbed around me, but all objects are flat. It feels like 2D texture bilboarding. When I use FOV enhancer from VorpX menu, it is better but after that I quick got headache.

    For example without VorpX when I try Half life 2 or available demos, they work well.


    And one note to points 2) and 3).

    Everything is zoomed in so maybe this make a feeling like I have no 3D. So it seems I have only two problems. In game menu I have to display VorpX menu to have appropriate head tracking and I have everything zoomed in.


    @ johnb: Thanks for posting the image, At least I can understand the issue now. Not sure at all though what might cause this. When set to portrait in Windows the image should appear in landscape orientation (hope that makes sense). If I undefstand you correctly, in your case the display is landscape, but the rendered image is rotated by 90deg. Very odd. Can you please send me a description of your PC hardware and a dxdiag.txt to support |at| vorpx com? Maybe this is an issue with certain graphics cards/drivers. You can create a dxdiag.txt with the dxdiag tool in Windows.

    At least in Skyrim using Direct to HMD mode might be a workaround. That is not officially supported by vorpX, but should work in a few games, among them Skyrim.

    @ marek: Please follow the advice given in the first vorpX window that appears when you start Skyrim. The FOV has to be set to value around 120, otherwise the image is zoomed in. You can make the 3D effect stronger in the vorpX ingame menu if you think it’s to weak. Just be aware that this also alters the sense of scale.


    I tried to set FOV according to advice. I used F keys to do that (according to VorpX configuration settings for a game), but it doesn’t work. Also I had FOV slider set to max in every game which enables it. But the result is still the same. And there is no difference between changing from VorpX FOV and in-game FOV so it seems like it is never applied. Obviously I missing something. When exactly I can use F keys after game starts?


    The F-Keys only work in the specific game that is mentioned in the game settings optimizer. This is not a global setting. It has to be done game by game. More games will be added to the optimizer over time.

    Other methods to enhance the FOV or deal with issue otherwise are covered in the “How to get the most out of vorpX guide” in the documentaion and in the sticky above with the same title. In Geometry 3D you can use the 3D FOV Enhancement in the vorpX ingame menu.

    One general hint: The game settings optimizer may not work with, let’s say, unofficial versions of a game.


    I have own all mentioned games in Steam. So there is no problem with that. Also I used F keys only in games which VorpX configuration said they are supported. So I made a test. I tried to bind keys for Mirrors Edge according to this proceed: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=138177233. But my num case doesn’t change the FOV. Minimal I wasn’t see the difference in in-game menu. So maybe I have a problem which is not connected with VorpX.


    If the auto optimization does not work for whatever reason or other methods fail, you can still use the “3D FOV Enhancement” in the vorpX menu.

    Also manually editing the ini files is an (not too hard) option. Googling for FOV and the game name will give you easy to follow tutorials for most games. If you follow these tutorials correctly, you can change the FOV in most games.

    If everything else fails, using one of the letterbox aspect ratio modes is worth a try (they produce black bars at the top and the bottom of the image though)

    Not sure what else to recommend, all of this is mentioned in the documentation for easy reference too.

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