Download Error. Please help

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    Hello everyone, everytime I try to launch the vorpX_websetup.exe is says “download error” thats all it says…

    I have tried disabling all firewalls, anti virus, windows defender, checking ports, redownloading the installer many many times still says download error…

    I’ve been trying for about 4 weeks to get it going, tried emailing vorpx team but they are not responding.

    Is there anyway to get it to install? if not, is there any chance of a refund?

    Thanks to all who reply in advance :)


    You received an answer on November, 28 and even answered back, so it’s safe to say that the answer reached you. Since you also received an activation key earlier, it’s also safe to assume that the installer worked before.

    That said, unfortunately there is no other answer than the one you received already. Sorry. There has to be something blocking the download. Most likely that would be a firewall or any kind of security software, but it may also be your router.

    Since you were able to install vorpX the first time you tried mid November, it may be worth a try to restore a Windows system restore point from that time to revert any changes done in the meantime.


    Ever get it fixed? same issue and getting no help from here


    As said in your original post, there is neither an issue on the server side nor with the web setup program, which hasn’t changed in years. As you can probaly imagine there would be a lot more reports like yours every day othgerwise.

    All that can be recommended has been recommended already. Again in short for your convenience, just in case you missed something:

    1. Check that no firewall setting prevents the download
    2. Check that no antivirus program blocks the download
    3. Try to use a mobile phone as hotspot, just in case the issue originates at your ISP
    4. Since you already downloaded vorpX sucessfully earlier: revert any changes you made to your PC since the last time you downloaded vorpX.

    Nothing else to recommend besides these things. Thanks for your understanding.


    If you had read my original post before you deleted it, you would have seen that I have already tried all that you suggested here, and yes there has been changes to my PC, its a totally new one, it never worked again after I uninstalled it on my old PC, I thought that maybe it was something in the registry messed up on that PC, but obviously not because it won’t download on my totally new PC either, its like you’ve blocked me from using it or something because like I said in my original post that you deleted, I have never had this issue with any program or file that I have installed ever before.


    Spamming the forum with the same issue all over the place won’t get you better help, makes any discussion re the issue impossible to follow and ultimately the forum unusable. Hence your other posts have been removed to keep everything related to your issue in the same place.

    There have been zero other reports like yours recently, the original post here is more than 9 years old… Obviously this has to be an issue on your end or somewhere in between the server and you. Doubly so considering that you installed vorpX without hitches several times in the past.

    Please double and triple check everything that I suggested. As much as I’d like to add something entirely different to these suggestions, unfortunately there just isn’t anything else to suggest than that. Thanks again for your understanding.


    I tried every single combination of rules in firewall, disabled it, used a mobile hotspot and every other thing possible but this thing always fails at the very end of the download, just like all the others that had the same issue and never found a solution, I guess I will just have to put it down as a learning experience and never again to buy some dodgy program that offers no real support or refunds.


    I understand your frustration, but that’s a bit out of line, don’t you think? Considering that you installed vorpX without hitches in the past and that noone except you experineces these difficulties at this point, unfortunately there simply is nothing else to suggest than what was suggested already.

    I’m not exactly sure what kind of recommendations you expect, but since this very obviously is neither an issue of the installer nor a problem on the server side, your best course of action is probably to revert your setup to the state from before this issue started to occur for you. Only you can know what you changed between the last time(s) the installer worked for you and now.

    If you haven’t done that already, you might want to try the latest cutting edge build. If that also doesn’t work, at least you know it’s definitely an issue with your machine/home network. If it works, the issue probably originated at your ISP.

    vorpX 24.1.0 – Optional Cutting Edge Version


    I see you said this below in another thread

    >> You only need a new key when your request code changes. Usually that happens after changing vital hardware or reinstalling Windows. Just uninstalling/reinstalling vorpX will never trigger the need for a new key.

    Also the uninstaller asks at the end whether you want to remove the registration information. If you press ‘No’ here, you don’t even have to re-enter the key later <<

    Maybe I pressed yes when I uninstalled it and removed the registration information and need another one, I am on a totally new PC though now… I am not going to buy it again.


    If you forgot to keep the e-mail with your last key or your request code has changed because for example you got a new PC in the meantime, please simply follow the instructions shown in the license dialog.

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