Elder Scrolls Online in G3D, any news?

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    ESO was my major reason for buying vorpx.
    Sorry for being a whiner, but any news for ESO with DX11 renderer?

    Thanks in advance!


    Bump for this as well.
    This is the one game I really want to play in G3D.


    Just want to add my “yes please” to this. ESO was one of my favorite Vorpx games before the update that broke G3D. Would love to get this back.


    I stil didn’t have a chance to look at this one again, but I promise to do it prior to the next update, which means within the next few weeks. So for now the answer is: I would like to see this happen, but right now I still can’t tell.


    Awesome news, Ralf! Thank you for your great effort. By the way, today I learned that using some profiles for other games , for an example warhammer, enables z-buffer 3d in ESO. It already looks great, but still hope to see G3D to come.


    Thank you Ralf! ESO was a major reason that I bought both the Vive and VorpX. I’m crossing my fingers and cheering you on!


    I’ve been holding off playing off playing since DK2 days just because I really wanted to experience it in Vorpx :)
    Thanks for the effort Ralf!


    Good news, knowing that at least this will be reviewed
    I want to encourage also get this support.


    Not really the place to post this, but there’s a sale for Elder Scrolls Online ($14.99 on Dlgamer.us) and crowns (40% discount on the official website) up until the 25th.


    Next few weeks are 1 or 2 or 3 weeks, if time goes by would be months, not weeks, I am happy, we are waiting for new version long time ago.


    Next few weeks are next few weeks and not any finite number you assume in your post.


    Ralf, why can’t VorpX just attempt geometry 3D in every game like Tridef and every other injection driver? It doesn’t have to work perfectly, but it might, and there’s no harm to having it as an advanced option.


    I’m sorry,but TriDef not have geometry in all games either,uses a system called power 3d in many games,also is a z-buffer mode.
    (Geometry)Much depends on the specific game,performance,and other aspects of shading.

    However, I support the idea of increasing the number of games that support geometry, especially based on DirectX 11,when technically possible.


    The functionality you want is already there since two or three versions as far as possible: you can clone profiles in the config app and assign unknown games to these cloned profiles. Profiles based on the same graphics engine as the game you want to try have the highest chance of success, but there is no harm in trying others too.

    That is not possible for every game though, and as Grundark correctly points out, it is absolutely not the case that other drivers automatically can provide Geometry 3D for every game.

    Apart from that creating a full profile with all bells and whistles usually is more work than just getting basic 3D to work. Rogue effects/shadows have to be fixed or at least disabled, if possible UI/menus have to be defined for scaling etc. These things are always game specific and take the most time as ideally multiple areas/levels of a game have to be checked in this regard.


    I think the Helix Mod guy got Elder Scrolls online 3D working for DX11.
    I’m not sure if this will be any help Ralf.


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