Elder Scrolls Online in G3D, any news?

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    It had to be taken off the games list, at least for the time being. I looked at it again briefly some time ago, but didn’t get far with the DX11 renderer. Will at least require some code changes, not “just” a profile. Too bad that they completely removed the DX9 renderer, it worked quite well.

    Will be looked into again a bit more thouroughly some time, but for now no news, sorry.


    Hopefully find the form or some method to actually get this.

    With the arrival of new future announced VR versions for Fallout 4 and Skyrim, VR support by using Alien isolation mod, Doom3 mod and bfg edition, silent update for native Dying Light support with Cv1, and the currently developing mod For Half Life 2 VR …
    The current situation makes Elder Scrolls Online now, among a few others, one of the new best candidates to play in VR using Vorpx.

    The inclusion of 3D Geometry for games based on Unreal Engine 4 and Frostbite engine, would also be an improvement that Vorpx and users, shout out in this times.


    It would be great to see this happen. I do know these things take time…especially when so many other games are waiting too. Hoping!!!

    ESO looks great on a 43″ 4k screen for the time being though.



    Any word on whether this is working yet?

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