F1 2019 issues

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    Hi, I am having problems running F1 2019 with Vorpx. I am using an Oculus Quest via Link (although I am using the cable that came with it and running in USB2.0 mode until my fast cable arrives) and I have two problems, probably not connected:
    1. Once the game launches, if I press the Windows key to go back to my desktop and change something, e.g. to adjust sound level or to switch the output to the headset, the image on the Quest freezes indefinitely, even though the game keeps running fine and displaying on the monitor. At this point I have to close the game and run it again, but that doesn’t solve the problem as the sound output reverts back to the default one. I can do the above sequence when I am running VD with SteamVR and switches in and out smoothly and without crashing. It just feels that the stream gets interrupted and never recovers.
    2. Once in the game I can run it in immersive mode with head tracking working fine (without OpenTrack), but in VR mode when I turn my head, my entire view moves with it. Do I need OpenTrack in VR mode?

    Many thanks in advance for your help.


    Update – I got VR mode to work via SteamVR (as per https://www.vorpx.com/forums/topic/stuck-at-infinite-loading-in-my-oculus-interface/).

    Still, if I press the windows key on my keyboard to change any setting on the desktop, the image freezes and never recovers. So this happens with both Oculus and SteamVR – both are known to be fine switching in and out of desktop when running games.

    Any ideas why this is happening?


    I have just received a new USB 3.1 Gen2 cable and the link is as fast as it can be, yet Vorpx is still crashing whenever I try to access windows on my pc. Unless you know how to fix this I will kindly ask for my money back as your software doesn’t do what it’s meant to do. I have already wasted more than 10 hours over this.


    I’m not really sure whether I understand the issue TBH. What are you pressing the Windows keys for? There should be no reason to do that while in the game.


    I do it to adjust volume and sound output device and same thing happens if I take off the headset, or when a Windows notification comes in the foreground even for a split second. When the stream gets interrupted it never recovers. I don’t have this issue with Oculus or SteamVR, they both work flawlessly. My point is, the game will be interrupted and will crush more often than not.


    Doesn’t really seem to be a widespread issue considering that the game is rather popular currently, but you should be able to circumvent the issue by running the game windowed instead of fullscreen. That way nothing should get interrupted when you switch to the desktop.


    I am having the same issue. I can’t tab out to start open track and then tab back into the game. In fact, tabbing out at all just freezes the game on the headset, but not on my monitor. How do I start opentrack if I can’t tab out of the game?


    Run/start OpenTrack before starting the game, otherwise OpenTrack will reinitialze the headset runtime after vorpX. Better to let vorpX do it after OpenTrack to avoid any potential issues.

    BTW: The next vorpX will come with fully automated TrackIR handling for F1 2019. Nothing to setup/configure anymore. Just launching vorpX and the game.

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