F1 2020 super pixelated and blurry

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    Hello! Got vorpx for F1 2020; took me a while to get going but finally working now.

    I’m running an HP Reverb G2 with OpenXR and everything looks very jaggy and pixelated, the distance boards (eg 100, 50) are completely unreadable. I did a little bit of googling and couldn’t find any answer or the settings they mention – for example, someone suggested something about pixel 1:1 -> 1.5x, but I found no such settings anywhere; I don’t think I’m looking in the right place.

    I just want to be able to read the boards so I know my braking points; would absolutely appreciate any help and guidance, as well as exactly where these settings are.

    Thanks everyone!


    You can run games at any resolution with vorpX. The higher the resolution, the better the pixel density in the headset. That works pretty much in the same way as it does when you play games on your monitor.

    2560×1440 is a good resolution for the game. You can select the resolution in the game’s video options. Caveat: if you “only” have a 1080p monitor, you will have to add that res to your graphics driver first, this guide has a step-by-tutorial: click.


    Thanks for getting back to me! I actually do have a 1440p monitor and the (in) game settings is selected to render 1440p, but through VR it looks almost like 480p. I’ll give your solution a try to drive up the resolution to 4K to see if that improves it. Thanks again!


    So I realized that this isn’t exactly due to texture or resolution – it looks like when I drive by a sign fast it just becomes really blurry (not much we can do I don’t think, unless Codemasters release a VR Mode).

    I did end up trying 3872×1920 I think, but the FPS dropped down to nearly 65FPS, so I stuck with 1440p. It’s a bit jaggy but it’s honestly quite alright. Thanks for the help!

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