Feature Request – Edge peek just has black borders, not ‘immersive view’, I really don’t like the immersive view and would much prefer to have it as black borders, if there is anyway to change this that would be much appreciated.
another way to do it would be to change the immersive view properties so make it just black borders anyway.
I like having the translucent “immersive” border option for all the modes. it can help fake the sky and perceived fov.
I can agree though that black for edgepeek might make more sense. I use it mostly for watching cut-scenes, which on black would give more of the framed-edge cinema feel.
That is already possible. The according option is only visible on the display page of the vorpX menu if expert setting are enabled though. Expert settings can be enabled in the config app.
Hello, i would agree with a black border around immersive improving sight in many situations.
I tried that too today,
changin it makes a difference in edgepeek but not in immersive mode. Immersive remains ambience .