Could we have the ability to adjust the edge peek zoom level, to me it seems not zoomed out enough, I feel like I’m looking at a huge tv and I’m only able to see 1/4 of the screen at the time and I need to move my head around to view options.
As a guess Let’s say it’s currently set at 20% lower than current zoom level, could we have a slider in a vorpx configuration so that we could make it higher.
I’m always a bit shy about adding more and more sliders to the ingame menu. More options without any doubt make thing more flexible, but at the same time they also make things harder to understand, more complex to use and easier to misconfigure. These things also have to be considered.
In this case I will give in though. :) Will be added as an expert option.
Thank you soo much, once implemented when a cutscene happens or I need to use a menu I’ll just press the edge peek button and I will see the whole screen easily, then once finished I just press it again and go back to my previous zoom level, great news.