built in FPS coulter would be amazing, thanks a lot ralf.
yeah Fraps didn’t work for me with vanishing of ethan carter (renamed exe to UDK, using vorpx shortcut), its weird the exe doesn’t even start up when fraps is running.
I tried rivatuner and it’s really odd, doesn’t seem to be working correctly, it puts the result at the very top of the image of where the rift is, so even if i look up with edeg peek I cant see it clearly as its always fixed at the very top, it also says D3D9 followed by the FPS counter, the FPS counter gives broken readings like 8543.1 fps, the only things that work are changing the colour and size of the reading, I can’t change the position.
But it looks like that would be the best one until we get a built in FPS counter, as you can place your FPS counter anywhere and at any size.