"Game FPS 45 direct mode 89"???

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    I just wanted to check my frame rate. Can someone give me the Explain It Like I’m Five version of what the difference is between Game FPS and direct mode FPS?


    vorpX works with two distinct render threads to provide its custom async timewarp. The first value is the frame rate that the game runs with, the second value is the frame rate of the thread that does async timewarp and finally pushes the image to the headset.

    If you are tweaking game options for performance, Game FPS is the important value. It should reach 45fps for a comfortable experience. If that is the case, direct mode fps in most cases are OK automatically.


    async timewarp

    Is this exclusive to an Oculus, or is this with the Vive as well?


    Works also with Vive, but not as good as with Oculus, which now has driver level timewarp, by a long shot.

    With OpenVR vorpX can handle short dips or a few frames below 45fps with its own timewarp, but that’s it. OpenVR doesn’t really take the possibility of low frame rates into account unfortunately.


    With a GTX 1080, i can have now “Game FPS 60 direct mode 89”

    But why this 60 FPS seem to be the max ?
    is it a Vsync on my Monitor at 60Hz who limit that ?

    however, i have set Vsync on my game to Off


    Ok i found myself the response.
    It’s an option in Vorpx to “Safe” Sync and i turn on to “Fast”
    i can now have 70-90 FPS in game with a Nvidia GTX 1080
    Thanks for nothing


    Do you mean the vorpx in-game menu setting where the options are Safe, Safer, or Fast or something like that?


    Yes, i don’t remember the sentence but it’s that one, i think


    Interesting. I’ve had two different cards with vorpX, a GTX 780 ti and an AMD RX 480, and both caused judder when I tried changing that setting to “Fastest”. As soon as my 1080 FTW arrives, that’ll be the first thing I’ll try. What other tips do you have to take full advantage of your 1080. By the way, if you’re using an Oculus, you’ll get way better frames per second than a Vive. I learned that the hard way.


    You can see my others setting on the second video test

    TheHunter works !


    Interesting. I’ve had two different cards with vorpX, a GTX 780 ti and an AMD RX 480, and both caused judder when I tried changing that setting to “Fastest”. As soon as my 1080 FTW arrives, that’ll be the first thing I’ll try. What other tips do you have to take full advantage of your 1080. By the way, if you’re using an Oculus, you’ll get way better frames per second than a Vive. I learned that the hard way.

    My entirely uninformed guess is that at “Safe” setting the game’s maximum framerate is capped, and so there’ll be less variation between the minimum and maximum game framerates. This would give a smoother experience, as any async interpolation of frames is being done on a more consistent source.

    When set to “Fastest” there would be a wider gap between a game’s min and max framerates, so the async algorithm may struggle to smooth out the less consistent flow of frames.

    With a faster card like the 1080 (or a game with less demanding graphics or lower settings) the minimum framerate wouldn’t dip low so often and would be higher in any case, so less variation between the minimum and the headset imposed maximum of 90 FPS.

    As I say, just a guess.


    The sync options are related to how the actual game render thread and the direct mode render thread, which does async timewarp and sends the final image to the headset, work together.

    In the majority of games “Fast” or “Safer” will cause issues like dropped frames and other even more undesirable artifacts. There are a few exceptions, so you may experiment. But only “Safe” ensures that everything is synced correctly at any time.

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