Gestures Support

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    Hi, I took a break from vorpx for a while. But recently came back to try when I heard about the newish gesture support. To me this is game changing.

    I tried it on two games I thought would be natural: Dishonored and Halo. But couldnt get it working at all. How do you turn it on? I tried in the vorpx menu and add custom gestures of both use or aim. But aiming was still down from my head vs my touch controllers. Is there something that has to be done to set it up that I’m missing?

    Or do only some games support gestures?


    The video in the post linked below explains how to set up gestures. Don’t forget to assign the mouse/key/button press that belongs to the according action, otherwise the gesures can’t do anything. Games like Halo or Dishonored should be good candidates.

    The video shows everything you need to know to get going in a minute.

    vorpX 24.1.0 – Optional Cutting Edge Version

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