How do I get The Long Dark to work with CV1?

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    Ive owned Vorpx since DK1. Ive owned DK1 , DK2 and now CV1.
    I have vorpx running in the background and started The long dark but nothing happened my cv1 is still black screen.
    So then I went to profiles and clicked The long Dark hit apply and close.
    Started The long Dark again with no results.
    Now its been a while since Ive used Vorpx but can anyone help me get this going I really love The long Dark and would love to play it on my CV1.
    Thank you in advance for the help.


    If vorpX doesn’t kick in automatically for a game you want to play, create a vorpX desktop shortcut for the game: right click the vorpX tray icon, choose “Create Desktop Shortcut”, then navigate to the games .EXE and double click it. For games that have a launcher program select the main .EXE not the launcher. This will create a shortcut on your desktop that hooks more reliable into some games than the automatic detection. Shortcuts may not work correctly with some Steam/Uplay/Origin games.


    The launcher suggestion you had doesn’t work with GTA 5 nor Arma 3.


    bigthriller, I got The Long Dark to work with vorpX by doing the following:

    1. Create a vorpX desktop shortcut
    2. Right-click on the shortcut and select “Properties
    3. In the Shortcut tab, find the “Target” text field
    4. At the end of the Target text field entry, add “-force-d3d9” without the quotes.
    5. Use this shortcut to start The Long Dark and it should hook.


    Thank you Heavymetalriff, I will give it a shot today I appreciate the help.


    It worked! Head tracking works but I have one problem maybe someone can help with.
    It seems theres a border around the screen that cuts off about 10% of the viewing area, Ive tried changing the fov and the game resolution but that dosent help , anyone have any ideas?
    Its like instead of having 100% view its like 80% with 20% replaced by a border on the top and bottom.


    I can’t remember exactly what it’s called in the menu, but:

    Go into the vorpX menu (the in-game one) and go through the tabs until you see something about 2D zoom and aspect ratio. Make sure aspect ratio is 1:1 and not letterbox 1 or 2, and then pick a resolution in the game like 1280×1024 or 1920×1440.

    You might also be able to use 2D zoom to get rid of it, but I found that I needed letterbox 1 to look “right” for me, so I had to put up with the bars at the bottom and top.

    If that doesn’t fix it, then I’m not sure what the problem is :(


    I have a Vive and it does not kick in… either with the DX9 force switch.

    Does anyone knows how to make it work with the Vive?


    It’s still hooking here with the “-force-d3d9” switch. D3D11 was added recently after the profile was created. Will be looked into, but no promises.


    I have not been able to get The Long Dark to work with VorpX. I have created the desktop shortcut, done -force-d3d9, and still nothing. If I run the game normally it fails to hook, and if I run the VorpX desktop shortcut it simply fails to load the game. No error message or anything, it just spins for a second, then stops. Any suggestions?


    Hah and then true to form after I finally get frustrated and ask, I figure it out on my own. If I open the shortcut twice in rapid succession, it loads. For some reason double-clicking doesn’t work. But essentially quadruple-clicking does. Weird.


    Ugh and now that’s not working anymore either. Meh. I really hope support for this game is ramped up because it’s an excellent platform for VR immersion, wandering around a forsaken wilderness on your own.

    I have an old version of TriDef back before they dropped Rift support that did successfully render the game in 3D, but it lacks head tracking and doesn’t output to the monitor, so I had to use Virtual Desktop to clone the display to the Rift. It was a cumbersome process but did produce true 3D and did work 100% of the time, so I know it can be done.


    Normal hooking is timing sensitive, which can be an issue with some Unity engine games that initialize DirectX very early, sometimes before vorpX can establish its hook. The solution to this is indeed using vorpX shortcuts, which aren’t timing sensitive, but unfortunately those don’t work well with many Steam games and games that enforce using launchers.

    For games with timing issues it often helps to try a few times. Also rebooting can help, the first time a game is loaded after a reboot takes longer due to nothing being in the disk cache. That can be just enough time for vorpX to hook fully. But of course that’s not a real solution.

    There is an experimental new hooking mechanism in the works that is intended to address this for good, but there are still issues with that. Given how long the next update was already pushed back, it won’t make it into the next release unfortunately.


    Thanks for the info Ralf. Fortunately I have an SSD so rebooting isn’t really an issue. From a cold start I can be booted and in my game in under 1 minute :D


    I have the same problem. Fallout 4 works like a charm. But Long Dark isnt working. I tried it with the shortcut and force-d3d9 but nothing. Any news about a workaround?

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