I can only see an extended version of my desktop

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    Hello, I just bough this software (and my oculus rift avtually) and am trying to get gta 5 to work.

    I can only see an extended version of my desktop. through the rift.

    The game loads up with the two eyes all fine but the rift just has my blue desktop.

    Any ideas would be great plz

    Many thanks




    Just in case: Did you follow the DK2 Setup Guide in the vorpX help? It explains how to set things up.

    In GTA V you can alternatively select the Rift directly, which might be the easier way if you are new to vorpX. GTA V allows to select the output monitor in the game options.

    You should still read some of the guides in the documentation, they explain quite a few things that make your life easier.

    While I’m at it: here is a settings guide for GTA V, that might be of interest once you got it basically up and running.


    Hiya, many thanks for your reply.

    I’ll try that as soon as I get the kids to bed!

    Thanks again for the reply,


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