Issues with VR in Skyrim and other games.

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    Hi all,

    I picked vorpx up recently and have been playing around with it. Elsewhere in the forums someone talks about the VR not looking right and just showing a virtual screen that moves with the head tracking. That is happening to me too, even in Skyrim which is meant to natively work. I’ve also tried Alien Isolation, with the same results, or it crashes before it loads.

    I won’t deny my setup is not the norm – running a 1060 GTX Nvidia card with Virtual Desktop on a Oculus Quest. I have provided exclusions for the virtual desktop app to stop voprx injecting into those, and instead inject into the game. Using SteamVR to load the games. I am also running vorpx as admin, as I have to run VD as admin as well.

    Does anyone have perhaps a set of steps I should try? I’ve referred to all the starting help. Thanks for the assistance, much appreciated.


    Just as a FYI, the Mother VR mod for Alien Isolation works fine in VR.

    I know something is just missing to make this work.


    Many VorpX profiles are set to Cinema Modes on default. To switch over to Full VR mode (i guess thats what you want) press the Hotkey for the VorpX ingame menu (which is usually DEL) and navigate to the Main Settings Page. There choose “Full VR Mode”.

    (You can reconfigure the hotkey for the ingame Menu in the VorpX config app).

    If your screen is moving with your head make shure Headtracking is enabled.

    Note: most supported 1st and 3rd person games dont, but some games require Cinema Mode for a use with headtracking, but Skyrim definately should work in Full VR Mode.


    Hi RJK – thanks for the advice.

    Yes, it is definitely running in Full VR mode and I’m quite a fan of the DEL key. :)

    Unfortunately none of the games work in VR mode. Can I confirm, is vorpx meant to attach to any of the Steam VR executables (or Virtual Desktop for that matter) for it to work? Or should it just attach to the game executable?


    Just further info to this. Even the load up screens etc and moving around when I turn my head, which doesn’t happen with other VR games.

    Also weird is that turning the head tracking off in vorpx doesn’t change a thing. The screen still moves around with my head. The image is in 3D though, but Full VR is not showing properly. Immersive and Cinema modes seem to work fine.

    Very weird issue, but I’m sure with time (and some assistance) I’ll be able to work it out


    For head tracking to work with a Quest you need to use an app that provides head tracking data from your Quest to SteamVR. I’m not sure if VD does that. If in doubt try ALVR, which definitely can do it.


    Thanks for the reply Ralf. I’m pretty sure Virtual Desktop does that via Steam VR if you use the custom apk version they provide.

    I think I have tested ALVR already, but I will give it another go and report back.


    I’ve just tried ALVR and unfortunately I get the same result.

    Basically the Full VR mode just shows up as a window that rotates around with your head.

    Apart from the game executables, am I meant to be hooking vorpx with any of the other applications that run the Quest (ie ALVR or SteamVR)?

    Appreciate the advice on this one because I’d love to get it working. :)


    Only the game executable is supposed to be hooked.

    Please first check whether tracking is working in cinema mode. If it does, you know that everything works in general and you may just have to adjust the head tracking sensitivity (for games with mouse based head tracking) or run the DirectVR scanner if supported. That’s the case for Skyrim.

    If head tracking also doesn’t work in cinema mode, something is truly wrong. In that case please try a full factory reset (config app > trouble shooting) and then only set vorpX to SteamVR mode afterwards without changing any other settings.


    When I turned head tracking on, it works ok in Cinema mode, and also Immersive Mode.

    When Skyrim loads up, is it meant to be really zoomed in? I try using shift and mouse wheel to adjust the zoom, but then of course I see the window boundaries.

    I have tried DirectVR (Alt L) when in the game. The sword and shield etc just seems really big, but if I turn down the zoom I can see the window, as opposed to the full VR experience.

    Having performance issues too, where I don’t have those when running other native apps (have tried non Geometry as well). Will continue to try and work it out.


    The field of view (“zoomed in”) is correct after successfully running the DirectVR scan in Skyrim. vorpX automatically handles that for many games, for others you may have to do it yourself one way or the other. The Essential Hints Guide in the help lists all options.

    In regard to performance please also check the help (‘Performance Optimization’). I could only repeat here what you find there. In short: playing vorpX with Geometry 3D is far more demanding than playing a game on your monitor, so you either have to reduce graphics fidelity or switch to Z3D mode which is less demanding.


    Thanks Ralf. Do appreciate the advice. Just as a final question should vorpx be consuming 30% of my CPU most of the time?

    Have a good night.


    Not really. The watcher consumes a bit of CPU time, not more than 10% or so normally though. Might be your virus scanner disliking the constant checking for newly started programs. If you use anything else than Windows Defender, get rid of it. Windows Defender is less invasive and quite excellent these days.

    If that doesn’t help, no reason to be alarmed. Simply exit vorpX or pause the watcher from the tray icon right click menu when you don’t want to use vorpX. While vorpX is attached to a game the watcher pauses automatically, so no precious CPU time is wasted while you play a game with vorpX no matter what.


    Ok thanks again Ralf. I just tried Dark Souls and it looks great in 3D. Even if I don’t end up playing some of these in VR, the Immersive Screen is pretty awesome regardless.

    Great work on creating this application too. Pretty amazing what it can do.


    Thanks. Quite odd though that you have head tracking in cinema/immersive screen mode, but not in FullVR mode. I can’t really imagine any reason for that, doubly so for a game like Skyrim with DirectVR head tracking.

    One more thing (unrelated to your tracking issue): you should make sure that your Quest is connected via 5GHz WiFi. Unless you have a way to force that it makes sense to temporarily disable 2.4GHz in your router to be sure the 5GHz band is used. 5GHz WiFi has a massively lower and more stable network latency, which helps a lot in multiple ways. Not only with vorpX, but with ALVR in general.

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