Lock Headtracking Question

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    Is there a way to enable “lock headtracking” outside of virtual cinema? I read in a forum post from Ralf that it could be done in upcoming versions at your own risk. Where is that setting? Also, can you manipulate the game profile files themselves (via text editor, etc)


    If you want to disable head tracking, please set the sensitivity to 0.0 on the head tracking page of the ingame menu. There also is enable/disable switch, but that’s borked currently. Do not use it, may lead to one eye showing upside down.

    Game profiles can’t be edited in a text editor since they are stored in a database. All relevant user settings can be changed in the ingame menu and are then stored in the database.

    If the question is related to settings not being saved, please make sure you have the latest hotfix 16.2.1 from two days ago installed. In the last version there was a stupid glitch that could lead to the database not getting flushed to disk.


    Thanks for the reply Ralf. I’m on the latest version presently. When I set the sensitivity to 0.0 it stops head tracking but the virtual screen remains attached to my head movement instead of the effect in virtual cinema mode when headtracking is locked. In the VR cinema scenario, if lock headtracking is enabled, the screen remains fixed and your head movement allows you to look to the edges of the virtual screen. I had this working in the regular geometry 3D mode, it must have been either a glitch or a certain key combination but the next time I loaded the profile the effect was gone. So in short is there a way to enable “lock headtracking” outside of virtual cinema mode?


    Looking around is pretty much the nature of the Full VR mode, so there is no such option.

    There is a way to get a immersive view similar to Full VR with locked tracking in cinema mode though. If you switch to the “None” or “Ambience” scene and then move the screen very close to you, the image (almost) fills the whole view, but you are still able to look around the screen. That should come close to what you had in mind.

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