Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord

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    Battle eye prevents Vorpx from hooking into the game, to allow Vorpx to hook simply remove BEClient_x64.dll and the BattleEye folder from Bannerlord/bin/Win64_Shipping_Client and VorpX will now hook. Unfortunately, this means you can only play singleplayer until you restore the files.

    Because Bannerlord uses its own game engine which it doesn’t share with any other games, feel free to use any game profile with Bannerlord, they all seem to run fine for me. For instance, I used the sw bf2 profile with bannerlord and it runs without any issues.


    Thanks for this ! It looks great in VR ! Now, if only there was a decent LotR total conversion :)… or a port of Prophesy of Pendor !


    I assume this is without an depth, just virtual screen with flat image.


    I assume this is without an depth, just virtual screen with flat image.

    Nope, it’s 3D. Plenty of depth.


    Now that sounds exciting, will go clear space to install it again.


    Battlefront one works, only z3d but good enough. Now I need to find a fov mod.


    camera mod on nexus is broken, but you can easily change settings manually with whatever fov you want for 1st person in

    %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\Configs\

    open BannerlordConfig.txt and set FirstPersonFov=120 or whatever


    camera mod on nexus is broken, but you can easily change settings manually with whatever fov you want for 1st person in

    %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord\Configs\

    open BannerlordConfig.txt and set FirstPersonFov=120 or whatever

    What does that do ? Is the game better with 120 FOV ?


    field of view is very important with vorpx, usually games are meant to be played at a certain distance, console games for example are intended to play on tv while on a coach so they have lowest fov, like 60-70 if you try to play in vr with that you will feel claustrophobic, its like looking through a binoculars from the wrong side, feels too zoomed in and not enough to see around.

    PC games usually are meant to play on a monitor on your desk so fov is higher but still not enough for vorpx where screen is in your face.

    For full vr in vorpx you need fov so high that on a normal screen it will look all distorted, while in vr those distarted sides of screen will feel your peripheral vision.

    Basiclally closer the screen is to your face higher fov you need.

    For comfy and pleasant vorpx experience fov of 110+ is recommended that might vary from 110 to 130 or even more, there is a difference since some games count degrees horizontally, some do it vertically.

    For warband here it is also needed to be more aware of surroundings, see your weapon as you block, see enemies around you better.

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