Not getting much 3D

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    Hi guys,

    Well, vorpX has delivered (at least for me) pretty much what would be expected from a beta version. It works pretty well and the interface is already quite good. However, I find that I’m not getting much 3D out of it. Tried the buffers and geometry modes in Skyrim, for example, and they both look pretty flat. Is there a way to adjust them ? I’m used to 3D Vision in Skyrim, which delivers — with the Helix mods — an outstanding experience, so maybe I’m expecting too much. Still, if anyone has a suggestion, I’d love to hear it. Thanks !


    The Geometry 3D mode works exactly like 3D Vision, but in VR more 3D does not automatically mean better 3D. Your reference for comparisons should be the real world not some over the top monitor 3D effect, it’s called Virtual Reality after all. :)

    Usually settings are dialed in so that 3D proportions look similar to what you experience in reality. You can get ‘more 3D’ by raising the Eye Separation, but that also means getting wrong 3D compared to the real world. And vorpX on purpose doesn’t allow really extrem values, because those make the world look strangely small and lead to an rather unsettling feeling for many people after a short time.

    This is no error, not even a flaw, it’s just meant that way.

    In Z-Buffer-Mode things are different. More 3D, especially in the forground would be a good thing here, but that is technically impossible in this mode.


    Not to be argumentative, but the worlds in both Skyrim and Mass Effect 2 seems pretty flat, a bit like overlapping cardboard cut-outs. I don’t get a sense of mass when I look at objects. If my reference is the real world, I’d also expect to see cues for depth, which doesn’t appear to be the case here.

    Again, vorpX makes a lot of games actually playable in VR and for that I’m grateful, but the 3D effect seems to have been dialled back so much that it’s hardly there.


    Actually, now that I’ve played a bit with the settings in Skyrim, the 3D effect is very good (although there are some weird shadow overlaps, or lag, that I don’t get on my monitor). Mass Effect 2, however, remains quite flat.


    Be sure to to always activate Geometry 3D in the menu to get the most realistic 3D effect. Not all games support this at the moment though. The list will grow over time.

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