Please consider supporting the new 2k & 4k chinese HMDs!

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion Please consider supporting the new 2k & 4k chinese HMDs!

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    60hz in VR will give you VR sickness, or it does many many people. Even 75hz is iffy which is why Oculus and Vive both set their refresh to 90hz. Partly because that’s as fast as most widely available video cards can handle at 2160×1200/2 resolution, but also because that’s the refresh rate at which the brain stops telling the body that something is wrong. Anything less than 90hz and there’s a high likelihood that you’ll get sick from it.

    Also with LCD screens, 120hz or 240hz refresh rates aren’t truly refreshing the screen with new images each time. They use smoothing algorithms to make the images look more crisp and insert those images between the actual refreshes of the screen giving it the illusion of a higher refresh rate. This means that the refresh rate will always be a multiple of 60hz, which is the base frequency of many LCD screens. You won’t see many, if any, LCD screens running at 90hz for that reason. If they were 90hz, the true refresh would be 30hz, not 90hz, which would be even worse.

    I’m not trying to be negative at all.. but I hate it when people get suckered in to marketing that’s misleading.

    That being said… I’m excited to see what the next year or two has in store for the HMD market. I think within a couple of years, there will be HMD’s that run at 4k (2k per eye) 120hz or better, with eye tracking cameras that will stream the video over wifi and will be able to track their position without the need for multiple trackers to determine their location in 3-space. Fove is already working on an eye tracking HMD, StarVR has a 2k+ 270 FOV superHMD they’re nearing completion on, and samsung is rumored to have the 4k screens. All that’s really lacking is SLI support so that you can run each eye’s screen on a separate video card to divide the workload and we’re in business.. ez pz lol.

    Note: I just read the end of that last post which touched on a lot of these same points… so, jinx.


    Seems we quite much share the same opinion…:)


    4k with wider 210 fov is very impressive, but the pixel density could be similar to cv1/vive due to the additional 100 degree and the screen door effect is expected.


    The price of eyeforce is cheaper and the hardware specification is also very good,
    but the software platform -OSVR which they decide to use is a big concern,
    because how many games can run properly with the OSVR is a question gamer worry about.

    Although having a good time with cv1 playing racing game.
    I sold my cv1 today, because the resolution and FOV in cv1 are not perfect.
    Hopefully these new high end VR set can be a threat to speed up Oculus, HTC and Sony
    to develop the next generation of VR.


    Htc vive user here, i think you can supersample it to 4k. But to be honest, i can’t tell the difference.


    Patented low persistence customized 4K panel, it’s not full persistence standard panel, so there is no smear issue in Pimax 4K VR Refresh rate: up to 90Hz in Asynchronous mode, 60Hz in Synchronous mode
    I just find the display information show they’re using low persistence pannel,…

    Currently the reviews show positive feedback regarding this 4K VR.…

    Firtst Imprerssion…

    the compatible mode support SteamVR and Oculus VR games.


    I’ve experienced a couple of games on Pimax 4K powered by VorpX. I’ve bought VorpX a couple of weeks ago but I’m already experienced in VR and 3D (anaglyph 3D, cross-eyed, parallel eyed, Tridef 3D, iZ3D, Nvidia 3D TV Play, Nvidia 3D Vision, helixmod, Vireio Perception). Configuring VorpX was pretty easy. No help needed.

    Games played on Pimax 4K + VorpX + modifications like FOV, DSR, no GUI, latency optimizations:

    – Alien Isolation
    – Battlefield 3
    – Bioshock Infinite
    – GTA 5
    – Skyrim Original
    – Skyrim Special Edition (cloned Fallout 4 profile)

    Depending on the game-/vorpX compatibility geometry 3D or z-adaptive.

    – lil bit of ghosting while moving the head (sometimes not visible, depends on the scene)
    – 60hz instead of 90hz (not recommended for fast motion games)
    – IPD adjustment is softwarewise instead of hardwarewise
    – software crashes sometimes while initial IPD adjustment (reboot needed)

    – Almost no screen door effect. In most cases absolutely no screen door effect. That’s WOW!!!
    (There is a SDE comparision on YouTube between Gear VR 2.5K and Pimax 4K)
    – The image is absolutely fantastic (2.5K 1440p and 4K 2160p in-game resolution powered by Nvidia DSR supersampling – HDMI 1.4b 60hz). Provided you found the right IPD settings for your eyes and the device is not faulty. Wrong IPD settings = looks like cross eyed / blurry.
    – Even 2K 1080p looks great but I prefer at least 2.5K due to higher aliasing. Alien Isolation does not need high FPS so I played in 4K in-game resolution for superb graphics.
    – The image looks not as good on my FullHD 27 inch monitor but almost!
    – I’m able to read text easily.


    Thanks for the write-up. I was wondering whether these 4k headsets make any sense myself. Although the screendoor effect is greatly reduced in comparison to DK2, it’s still what is bugging me the most with CV1.


    Does anyone have information about actual sales figures for these headsets? It’s good to hear that they seem to basically work in OpenVR mode. But if they are successful enough it might make sense to look at them specifically.


    Hello I have the pimax 4k and using vorpx in configuration “HTC Vive”, the issue is that it turns off the screen when I do not move the head and is a little annoying to play. Does anyone know how I can solve it?
    Thank you.


    I have exactly the same problem with my Pimax. I played Skyrim, Fallout 4, Alien Isolation with vorpx. All these games work very well with vorpx and pimax, but only if I move my head. If i DO NOT move my head (headset) – after one second i see black screen.


    Casually 1 second is the status check in SteamVR and can not be disabled. Is it possible that this is the problem?
    I think there should be some command to disable it in the file “steamvr.vrsettings” but I have not found anything…


    What tracking does pixma use? Vives or it has its own stations? has any1 bought from UK ? Do we got duty/how long for delivery if any1 knows… Is this headseet better than vive?

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