Problem with Pimax 8K – No Picture

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    I have a problem with Vorpx and my new Pimax 8K. I get neither a picture on the Vorpx desktop nor in a game. The screens of the Pimax are grayed out or black with lines (image defect). I have taken all settings to standard and the points of the guide. What is not clear to me, I have to create special resolutions? (I have a Geforce 2080 Ti and SteamVR is working great).


    Can somone help me please. I cant use vorpx at moment.


    Can you be more specific about your problem? I don’t really understand.

    What game are you trying to play?
    Can you see the game on your monitor? It has a vorpX logo at the bottom?
    Are you using SteamVR as Device Selection in the vorpX Config app?

    Yes you’ll want to learn to create custom resolutions. Open Nvidia Control panel, select Change Resolution page, and click Customize. Create Custom Resolution and enter the numbers in the two fields. Click test to see if your monitor passes. If yes click OK and it is now saved to your list. Better details here.

    Your monitor can generally support resolutions much higher than native, so don’t worry about testing higher.


    Ok lets try,

    i tried to run Shaddow of the Tomb Raider and the Vorpx Desktop Viewer and have got the last PI Tool and StamVR.

    Are there any recommendations which resolutions should I create for the Pimax 8K? Is this the Problem, that the screens are not showing a picture?


    SotTR has it’s own official profile, you don’t need to start desktop viewer. It should hook automatically when you start the game.

    Desktop viewer can look like a black cinema screen if you are using a laptop or multi monitor setup.


    Sorry I was wrong. I try not to run the two programs simultaneously, but no matter what program I start, the screens of the Pimax remain dark or have aberrations.

    Are there any logfiles somewhere?


    You can create a trouble shoot data archive in the config app. This archive contains a logfile.

    Also please double check whether you really have set up everything as suggested in the Pimax recommendations. Especially the render quality settings in both PiTool and SteamVR are important.

    If you haven’t done so already: make sure that you are using the latest regular non-beta PiTool from here. Also make sure that SteamVR (please also use the regular version not the beta version) and your GPU drivers are up-to-date. PiTool requires relatively new drivers.


    My Pimax Tool is a newer Version ( SteamVR and Nvidia Drivers are up to date. Parallel projections is enabled.

    When i am at home, i will create a trouble shoot…


    Please try the latest stable PiTool release linked above, not some beta version. Won’t necessarily solve your problem, but removing beta versions from the equation (PiTool as well as potentially SteamVR) is the first thing you should do.


    I tried different Pitolls with no difference.
    These are the warnings from the logfile:

    WRN: Loading pre 17.3.0 G3D settings (0.0.0)
    WRN: D3D11 Base: D3D 11.1 detected
    WRN: D3D11 Base: D3D 11.1 detected
    WRN: D3D11 Base: No DeviceContext created, not hooking device
    WRN: D3D11 Base: D3D 11.1 detected
    WRN: D3D11 Base: No DeviceContext created, not hooking device
    WRN: D3D11 Base: D3D 11.1 detected

    INF: vorpControl: Exiting process life thread: SOTTR.exe, 2188

    Can you detect a mistake from this?


    My Directx Version is 12.1


    Make sure you are running Tomb Raider in Directx 11 mode. Launch the game without vorpX, in the video settings change from dx12 to dx11 and apply. This will require a game restart. Then turn on vorpX and launch the game again.

    Any newer game that defaults to dx12 will need to be run in dx11 mode. vorpX does not work with dx12 yet.


    Ok thanks, i will try at home.


    I found the problem. The nvidia 3D settings are not let the app decide… Now it works :slight_smile:

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