Problems with Full VR

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    Hi guys,

    I literally just got vorpx and tried to run MassEffect 1&2 and have the same problem with both: only cinema mode works (using oculus rift). When I switch to full VR I still have a flat pane in front of me and the whole pane moves in sync with my head movement. So when I turn my head left- the view stays centered and the whole screen moves left with me. This reminds me when I start other VR games before the game is fully loaded it behaves like this. What am I doing wrong?


    I havent played Mass Effect with VorpX yet, but not every game can be used for FULL VR mode. This is why VorpX has its cinema modes to still get most immersion out of a game. IF Mass Effect “sticks to your face” and you wont have the full impression like in many of the Call of Duty games for example, by doing the following will give you almost the same VR experience then in Full VR. Switch over to Cinema Mode, turn OFF Lounge or whatever you have chosen there, (switch to “None”), then pull the Screen very close to you by lowering “Screen size” or “Screen Distance” it is called i beleive.
    Besides you have a better image quality this way you can reach menues better then in FULL VR Mode sometimes without using “edgepeek” too much.


    The ‘Play Style’ option is usually set per default to the one that suits a game best. Third person games like Mass Effect are best played in cinema or immersive screen mode. Full VR mode is primarily meant for first person games.

    Technically you can also play third person games in Full VR mode, but that rarely is a good experience due to how third person cameras work. For Full VR mode games also need to have their field of view matched to the headset. Please check the Essential Hints Guide to learn more about that.

    For a selection of games that allow you to hop right into FullVR without any configuration check this post: Good Full VR Games for Beginners.


    Hi Ralf, still no luck with full VR :-(. I tried Bioshock infinite in VR which according to your list is supported in full VR. The image sticks to my face -> when I turn my head the entire image moves with it. The only other thing I see is a low performance warning and that vorpx has made some changes to the settings…..please let me know what I can do to get this to work.


    Check that you didn’t accidentally disable head tracking in the vorpX config app. On the General page of the vorpX Config there is a checkbox to enable head tracking. Right click the vorpX icon in the system tray to Configure vorpX.

    You could also check that the head tracking sensitivity is not turned down to 0 in the Delete key menu in game. This should not be the case with a default profile, but you could check all the same.


    Would have been my guess as well that something with the headtracking is not properly set up / working.


    I can not fully help you, if you can´t make full vr working.
    But I have made full vr profile for mass effect 1 and it works pretty well.
    Its a bit zoomed out, so you still feel like you are watching a screen, but you look and aim with your head. And when you get used to the view, it feels damn cool being behind Shepards shoulder:) I can upload the profile for you?


    Thanks for all the recommendations- unfortunately nothing works: Headtracking box is checked, tracking is set to .75 )not 0. Screen continues to move with my head movements. I can play any native VR game just fine but not a single of the supported games in vorpX…this is very disappointing :-(


    I wonder then if you have some game controller peripheral plugged in or related software that is interfering somehow. Head tracking emulates mouse input by default. Anything special about your mouse setup?

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