Quest 2 or Pico 4?

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    I have a Pico 4 and I have an HP reverb G2, both of these kits work very well when the game is running and rendered in 4K.

    If you run the game in FullHD, then half of the hero’s character, head and ankles will be blurred and the center of the action will be sharp. This is due to the lenses that in the middle of 70% of the field of vision are sharp, and the remaining 30% are blurred, you then have to move your head up and down instead of the eyeballs themselves, which is very annoying and spoils the comfort of the game.

    You must run the game in 4K to keep your head up and down and see the center of the action in 70% FoV of the lens for both HP reverb g2 and Pico4.

    Oculus Quest 2 has half the field of view of what Pico4 has, that’s how I feel as a user. I also have 70IPD, the upper limit.

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