I’ve never played STO before, but I installed it on steam tonight to have a look.
The good news: I was able to hook geometry 3D pretty quickly – that is until they suddenly took the server down for maintenance. Doh.
The not so good news: it seemed to run heavy, though I didn’t have time to optimize my settings. No Z3D yet with this profile, but I’ll see if I can find one tomorrow.
I only ran around the beginning star fleet area, so I haven’t been able to test space or combat yet. But from what I can tell, it should look fine in G3D cinema.
I’ve read there are a couple chat commands you can use to adjust fov and also lock the camera into a first person type view. Both things I want to try when the server goes back up.
If you give me a couple days, I’ll try to clean up the HUD layer and find optimal fov settings. Then I can post a profile for ya, perhaps in time for the weekend.