Hi guys, I’ve just bought this game on Steam based on “overwhelming” good reviews and I am not disappointed. I’ve also linked it to the generic Unity profile and it works quite well in Geometry. Not perfect (something with the shadows is not quite right) but I think that a person who knows what they’re doing with VorpX could make it really good. Anyway, just a heads-up !
Hi, i used the Firewatch profile and it worked, kinda. I have no mouse and the vorpx mouse is not placed correctly. What is the generic Unity-Enigine profile?
Hi, i used the Firewatch profile and it worked, kinda. I have no mouse and the vorpx mouse is not placed correctly. What is the generic Unity-Enigine profile?
Under Local Profiles, there’s a Unity 5 Base Profile. I simply used that one and my mouse functions are fine.
if you are using g3d from another profile and mouse doesnt match it just means shaders responsible for UI are not defines, you can use authoring tools to fix it or press edgepeek, which should place everything nicely on 1 plane.
Just wondering if Valheim will be getting an official profile for Vorpx ?
If not, could someone direct to a link on how to create our own profiles for it please ?