Homepage › Forums › General vorpX Discussion › vorpX 0.7.1 with initial DK2 support now available
- This topic has 41 replies, 21 voices, and was last updated Dec 25, 2014 1:35am by
Aug 23, 2014 at 5:10pm #16300
KeymastervorpX 0.7.1 with initial DK2 support is now available. Please note that DK2 support is in early stages. Not all games have been tested and there are most likely bugs.
This was released as fast as possible to give you something to play with, so don’t complain. ;)
If you already own vorpX, your vorpX should automatically update when you start vorpX Control.
If it doesn’t, you can update manually by using your web installer. If you don’t have your installer anymore, send a mail to support |at| vorpx com.
Aug 23, 2014 at 5:14pm #16302Hammerschaedel
ParticipantGreat^^ Gratz :P
Aug 23, 2014 at 5:21pm #16303bcozier
ParticipantvorpX 0.7.1 with initial DK2 support is now available. Please note that DK2 support is in early stages. Not all games have been tested and there are most likely bugs.
This was released as fast as possible to give you something to play with, so don’t complain.
If you already own vorpX, your vorpX should automatically update when you start vorpX Control.
If it doesn’t, you can update manually by using your web installer. If you don’t have your installer anymore, send a mail to support |at| vorpx com.
Can we please get a full list of DK2 supported games with 0.7.1? I understand headtracking is only available with Skyrim right now, but I can’t find a full list of DK2 supported games with 0.7.1
Please provide a list and if possible with geometry support or z3d, thanks.
Aug 23, 2014 at 5:37pm #16311Victor Romeo
ParticipantWhat’s the best way to run it on the DK2 since we can’t run the displays in duplicate mode? Do we run in direct or extended mode? Do we need to pause Oculus runtime when using VorpX? Thank you for the update, that was really fast.
Aug 23, 2014 at 5:39pm #16312Ralf
Keymaster@ becozier: As said in the original post, not even all games were tested with the current build to get it to you as fast possible. So I can’t provide you a list currently unfortunately. Documentation will be updated over the next weeks. Thanks again for your patience.
Head tracking works with all games that had head tracking with DK1. Just the POSITIONAL tracking is Skyrim only.
@ Victor: Please check the documentation that comes with vorpX. It has a dedicated page with information in regard to the best DK2 configuration.
Aug 23, 2014 at 6:31pm #16327BadServo
ParticipantGreat release Ralf. Remarkable how far you got this out the door. Have run into a couple bugs, but nothing heavy. I saw that the new release was available on the RoadToVR site, and it mentions the addition of 15 new officially supported titles. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to locate a list of all the newly supported games. Is there a changelog somewhere that lists them, or an otherwise complete list? Apologies if I’ve missed this somewhere. Thanks again, for all the hard work, mate.
Aug 23, 2014 at 10:02pm #16356Ralf
KeymasterThe new games are:
Antichamber (G3D)
Batman: Arkham Asylum (G3D/Z3D)
Bioshock Infinite (G3D)
Borderlands (G3D/Z3D)
F.E.A.R. (G3D/Z3D)
F.E.A.R. 2 (G3D/Z3D)
F.E.A.R. 3 (Z3D)
F1 2013 (G3D/Z3D)
Gone Home (G3D)
Retrovirus (Z3D)
Space Engineers (G3D/Z3D)
Splinter Cell Blacklist (Z3D)
State of Decay (G3D/Z3D)
The Stanley Parable (G3D/Z3D)
Thief [2014] (Z3D)Aug 23, 2014 at 10:17pm #16367WookieeFart
ParticipantThis is FANTASTIC news… downloading and testing now.
Aug 23, 2014 at 10:25pm #16372SvenH
ParticipantI just cant get the VorPx config to work !
I wanted to try with F1 2013 but cant get it to work. The “DEL” key isnt working either :-(
The config window is still a transparent windowAug 23, 2014 at 11:43pm #16383Ralf
KeymasterCertainlky not ideal, but you should be able to run vorpX without the config app.
Can you open the help viewer from the start menu? The documentation explains how to setup your Rift as primary monitor. After that you should be able to start vorpX using the “Start vorpX” shortcut, and play games with vorpX.
Aug 24, 2014 at 12:23am #16389Snjper
ParticipantSome launching issues but all in all it works VERY well now. Assetto Corsa apps and AI work now! :)
Launching or hooking issue for me is solved by….
Close the game, restart vorpX, restart the game – you may have to restart the game a few times… the key seems to be restarting vorpX..Note I’m still using TrackIR for head tracking.
Aug 24, 2014 at 1:06am #16401T2k5
ParticipantGetting “configured device was not found”, driver/ovrservice/vorpx/computer restarts have no effect. Unity and Unreal Engine demos work, as does Elite: Dangerous. Running Win7 64bit, extended, Rift as main display, aero disabled, antivirus and firewall disabled, VorpX Conf set to DK2. SteamVR throws “HMD not known”, though it manages to light up the camera before timing out.
Anyone else with similar problems?
Aug 24, 2014 at 1:29am #16407Ralf
KeymasterTwo thoughts: 1. The DK2 has to be powered on when you launch vorpX, 2. Make sure that you have the latest firmware installed. This is just a guess, but maybe an older firmware can cause issues with the detection.
Aug 24, 2014 at 1:41am #16408T2k5
ParticipantIt is powered and uses the latest firmware. I can start up any Unity or UE demo right after VorpX fails to find it, so the device itself should be functioning correctly.
Aug 24, 2014 at 1:48am #16409Ralf
KeymastervorpX only initializes the Rift and reads its name when checking the device. Nothing special. Are you 100% sure that the correct model is selected in the config app? Also reinstalling the latest Oculus runtime (0.41) may be worth try. Not sure what else to recommend.
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