Vorpx + Doom is amazing

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    @ annabel82 : Doom 3 *might* work with the same method BBQme describes for the new Doom. No guarantee though.

    1. Make a copy of another ID software engine game profile (e.g. Prey, Quake, Star Trek Elite Force) in the vorpX config app.
    2. Assign the Doom 3 main .exe to this profile.

    This is a general method that often can provide basic Stereo 3D support (sans game specific effect fixes) for unknown games based on the same graphics engine.


    @Ralf, Thanks for the help. That’s pretty much what I ended up trying and it seems to work pretty well, enough to scare me put it that way :)

    I've got Doom3 working pretty good.


    Just use the Quake III profile and you get geometry 3D in DOOM 2016; it’s definitely rendering at wrong depths though. Make sure you set a custom resolution in the game config located at C:\Users\”Username”\Saved Games\id Software\DOOM\base

    I would like to know more about this. What’s ur opinion, Ralph?? Is there any change we get Doom 2016 working in 3D starting from here?


    Well I tried the DOOM demo last night with Vive+vorpx. Created new profile based on Quake and pointed it towards Doom.exe. The game does indeed display in 3d. No depth issues that I could see. Only thing is it looks strange on the eyes when you pan view (look around). Hard to explain. Motion blur is disabled.


    Just to save everyone the work of doing it themselves, I used the AAMFP profile which is in OPENGL so Doom hooks with Geometry 3D and uploaded it. Not the best experience, and like feathers632 states, there is something janky about panning around and I have a top end rig that pushes a solid 90 FPS.

    The profile is simply called Doom, and the author is me, piebald3. Keep a barf bucket handy and enjoy! ;)

    Also agree..Motion Blur disabled. Change zoom in Vorpx settings to suit your needs. Think I settled at .55 or thereabouts.


    piebald3 can you explain to setup this profile and where i can download it?
    i link would help


    I’m new with vorpX. How do I set the FOV in VR mode? Under and above the edge disturbs and too far zooming looks worse.


    The game has an FOV slider in it’s options menu. IIRC it has a pretty wide range, so it’s easy to raise it to the required value.

    Since you are new to vorpX you may also want to check the ‘Essential Hints Guide’ in the vorpX help. Among other important things it explains the various options you have in regard to FOV if vorpX can’t handle it automatically.

    If you want to hop right into the action without caring about FOV, check this list with good games for beginners. For these games (and about 100 more) vorpX can handle FOV automatically.



    3D FOV and Enchantment has not changed anything, do you mean a different FOV setting? I want the black bakeen up and down.



    The game itself has an option to change the FOV in its options menu (assuming you are talking about the Doom remake from 2016).


    Yes, the 2016 remake yes in the Game Options FOV from 90 to 130, the field of view is enlarged. But I want to get rid of the black bars on the Oculus Display without zooming in large or are the bars always there if the game is not supported by vorbX?

    Ja das Remake von 2016 ja in den Game Options Sichtfeld von 90 bis 130, das Sichtfeld wird vergrößert. Ich möchte aber die schwarzen Balken beim Oculus Display weghaben ohne groß zu zoomen mit der Option Image zoom oder sind die Balken immer da wenn das Spiel nicht unterstützt wird von vorbX? Kann man das Bild nicht nach oben und unten strecken auch wenn es dann halt ein wenig verzehrt ist, was mich persönlich nicht groß stören würde.

    Hallo Ralf, ansonsten finde ich vorbX recht gut, es wird wohl nur schlecht geredet da es viele Einstellungen gibt, wo viele keine Lust haben sich damit zu befassen. Mach weiter so, tolles Programm und jedem weiter zu empfehlen der Spiele spielen will wo es keinen VR Support von den Entwicklern gibt.


    The game is not officially supported.

    That said, the game’s FOV slider should provide a large enough range to get the FOV right with ImageZoom set to 1.0 IIRC. If that is not the case with your individual setup for some reason the usual way to fix FOV in FullVR mode is slightly lowering the ImageZoom value. Should not be necessary though in this case.

    Alternatively you can play the game in immersive screen mode, which does not require the FOV to fit the headset FOV, or maybe use one of the other potential workarounds listed in the ‘Essential Hints Guide’ in the help if one exists.


    Hello everybody,

    I have started a new thread here https://www.vorpx.com/forums/topic/doom-internet-multiplayer-with-vorpx/#post-219845, in order to update possible progress on this and specially asking if there is a change to play doom in multiplayer tools like Zandronum or Odamex…

    Regards !

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