VorpX VR Stereo Driver Control has stopped working – utterly INFURIATING!!

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    I’ve been having this problem for MONTHS with VorpX. Until now it was a non-issue since 99% of games worked anyways. I read here that it’s only needed for 64 bit games.

    Well, GTA V is one such game and it does NOT work on my system. VorpX won’t hook into it because every vorpx startup greets me with

    VorpX VR Stereo Driver Control has stopped working

    ALWAYS. I’ve tried sooooooo many things Ralf. All of the troubleshooting. All of the recommendations in similar threads with other people that have the same, seemingly unfixable problem!! Uninstalled antivirus, uninstalled OVR, uninstalled VorpX, started as normal, started as admin, reinstalled everything, reinstalled C++ runtime, reinstalled Direct X.

    I’ve got a common Win 7 x64 installation – WHY DOESN’T IT WORK ON MY SYSTEM, EVER *pulls out hair screaming*

    My nerves are wrecked because of this by now…. all I wanted is to experience gta5 in the Rift…


    The general issue seems to be that the 64bit part of vorpX crashes on start. Most games don’t need it, but GTA V does.

    I would say there has to be SOME conflict with another program you have running. Since apparently you already tried the ususal things, I’m a bit at a loss though in regard to recommending something specific, sorry.

    If that’s an option for you, a fresh Windows install without any additional software installed may be worth a try.


    I agree with Ralf if my opinion means anything.
    If it were a site wide problem it would need investigating more, but since most if any others don’t have this problem it would seem more singular and system specific.

    Can’t beat a full format, just remember to back up those umpa lumpa at the sea side pics ;-)


    It can’t be any other program. In my desperation I started turning off services and exes until I was left with the absolute barebones. Same result.

    And I’m not alone with this problem, I’ve seen at least 2 other topics of people who have the same problem with no fix. Please look into this. Please.


    this has been happening since it updated, its something to do with VorpX not your pc, I was using and older version with no issues offline, the minute it decided it needed to update, I’ve been experiencing the same issues. just going to have to wait for them to fix this problem.


    just finished installing it on a brand new computer and this happened immediately after the install.
    one thing that i have noticed, is your issue is similar but not the same, although it seems to change every few time I try starting the program various ways, most of the errors I’ve come up with have had something to do with vorpControl.exe , vorpControl64.exe , vorpControl.dat , vorpControl64.dat
    very disappointing

    Problem Event Name: APPCRASH
    Application Name: vorpControl.exe
    Application Version:
    Application Timestamp: 5534e664
    Fault Module Name: vorpControl.exe
    Fault Module Version:
    Fault Module Timestamp: 5534e664
    Exception Code: c0000005
    Exception Offset: 000097a1
    OS Version: 6.3.9600.
    Locale ID: 1033
    Additional Information 1: 5861
    Additional Information 2: 5861822e1919d7c014bbb064c64908b2
    Additional Information 3: a10f
    Additional Information 4: a10ff7d2bb2516fdc753f9c34fc3b069

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    I guess despite many people being affected, this problem will keep getting ignored.


    No problem is getting ignored, but unfortunately it’s impossible to give specific advice if an issue is not replicable here. There almost certainly is something on your PC that causes a conflict with the 64bit part of vorpX. All I can recommend at this point is what I recommended above already, which is double (and triple) checking for things that may interfere with vorpX.


    i am having the same problem and i am geting sick of it i have mesg suport and no respons plese anyone know how to fix this plese mesg me


    Unfortunately it’s impossible to give specific advice if an issue is not replicable here. There almost certainly is something on your PC that causes a conflict with vorpX. Especially in your case this is the only logical conclusion, since, as you said in an earlier post yourself, vorpX worked fine for you when you bought it and suddenly stopped working later.

    All I can recommend at this point is what I recommended above already, which is double (and triple) checking for things that may interfere with vorpX.


    hay ralf i have spent the pas 16 hours looking for a conflict and with out reinstallinf windows i was runing only nothing that could stop it and no i dont have ant anti virs so would you recomend me reinstallig windows but i dont now if my regerster code and stuff would work after


    Reinstalling Windows is no guarantee, but certainly worth to try.

    You will need a new activation key afterwards, but that is no problem. To get it simply send your request code like you did when you first installed vorpX.


    ok thanks for geting back to me so fast


    I have just purchased VorpX and I wish I had seen this post before I bought it. I have the same problem Vorpx crashes everytime I load it and the crash also effects my mouse movement. I have closed down everything I can think of and still it crashes.

    I’m feeling well and truly ripped off as the product does not seem fit for purpose


    The most likely cause of something like this is a conflict with your virus scanner. Please try to disable it and see whether that helps.

    Also make sure to use the Oculus runtime 0.5.1 for the current vorpX version 0.81, other runtime versions, especially older ones, also can lead to crashes.

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