VorpX with OpenTrack

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    on 0.7 none of my bi games would open due to battleye on 0.8, all start and display apart from A3 with the non bi launcher now it works for arma2 and OA this way i use arma launcher by head, it does a2 and a3 you just show the game directory and the game.exe with that I choose the non battleye .exe this should not effect anything as the original launcher uses the same .exe but fires the batteye one instead, in one of the a3 updates a while back it changed from starting arma up and having to enable BE and then restart the game to this way they have battleye start first which caused the rift to not work on 0.7 due to the above dll that was mentioned it sees the rift as a head track cheat device was in the messages I got on screen.


    @smokedog yeah thats how i was loading arma on previous versions. i forgot about that launcher and had been trying the origional one.


    Just a heads up that vorpX does not work with BattleEye enabled anymore. Some time ago the BattleEye programmer added a new “feature” that essentially made programs stop working with BE that hook into games the way vorpX does.

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