Will Vorpx work with Varjo Aero?

Homepage Forums General vorpX Discussion Will Vorpx work with Varjo Aero?

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    About seeing in the distance, i still cant make out detail in the far far distance. I’m not sure if its a limitation of the game or aero. A good 4k monitor is still better, but not by a huge margin.

    Yeh we all need 6090TI’s today! Congrats on your 8kx purchase, i still have mine and i’m keeping it for certain games and to trade in for the 12K when available.


    Hey guys. Been trying to get VorpX and F1 2020 to work with the Aero.
    It hooks after I installed the hook but I can’t get the VorpX interface to come up in game.
    Anybody else got this working please?


    Do the Vorpx hints show in the games loading screens when you first start the game? You know, the messaages about fov change needing a restart and headtracking is available? If they don’t, then it might not have hooked properly (unless you have disabled hints). If they do show then its hooked, are you pressing the Del key to bring up the Vorpx interface? Check in key bindings it is Del key (I think key bindings are in Vorpx Config app).

    Also, do other games work with Vorpx and your Aero?
    If they do, what is your fps like? I’ve found I get some dramatic fps low spikes…the games runs at 90 fps, all seems well, but after a short time it suddenly drops as low as 50 or 60 fps. This never happened with my other hmd’s (Quest, G2, 8KX). Wonder if it’s Aero specific?


    About my Aero/Vorpx frame rate drops, I just solved it in Bioshock by toggling Windows 10 Game Mode to on and in Bioshock settings having post processing effects to off.

    In Alien Colonial Marines I turned on the “Fluid” something or other setting from Vorpx in-game menu which gives me a steady 90 fps on the fps counter (it said something about capping fps to 1/3 so dunno if its actually 90) but the game is smooth now.

    With beamng just toggling Game Mode on has given steady 90 fps with no low spikes.


    Thanks for the info guys! The pimax 8kx was on my radar since I want to try that larger FOV so much! And it would be a step up from the Index.
    I wanted to know if it ran all the games in Vorpx as well.

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