Do the Vorpx hints show in the games loading screens when you first start the game? You know, the messaages about fov change needing a restart and headtracking is available? If they don’t, then it might not have hooked properly (unless you have disabled hints). If they do show then its hooked, are you pressing the Del key to bring up the Vorpx interface? Check in key bindings it is Del key (I think key bindings are in Vorpx Config app).
Also, do other games work with Vorpx and your Aero?
If they do, what is your fps like? I’ve found I get some dramatic fps low spikes…the games runs at 90 fps, all seems well, but after a short time it suddenly drops as low as 50 or 60 fps. This never happened with my other hmd’s (Quest, G2, 8KX). Wonder if it’s Aero specific?