Witcher 3 2018

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    Hey, Its my first time using VorpX. Can someone please give me a solid guide to how to set this up for Witcher 3 in 2018? I saw some steroscopic pictures of the Witcher world… I’d love to have something like that.


    You shouldn’t have to do anything, vorpX has a profile for Witcher 3 that gets activated automatically when you launch the game.


    Hey, I’ve tried it and it seems a bit underwhelming. The Immersive screen option seems too far from my face, even at 0.00.

    Also my FPS is quite low. I’m on an RTX 2080. Are there any optimisations I should be doing in-game?

    I’m using a Rift.

    I didn’t really get a great 3D effect from it. I thought it would end up looking like these screenshots:

    Witcher 3 Ansel NSFW

    are my expectations too high?


    You can run the game in full VR mode technically, but since it’s a third person game that does make limited sense. Third person games always default to immersive screen mode.

    You will need a first person mod and a FOV mod to play it comfortably in full VR mode.

    Geometry 3D has a pretty huge impact on performance since everything has to be rendered twice (once for each eye) and on top that there is some additional overhead for rendering to the headset. Even with your GPU you likely are better of to not crank up all detail settings to ultra.


    You can run the game in full VR mode technically, but since it’s a third person game that does make limited sense. Third person games always default to immersive screen mode.

    You will need a first person mod and a FOV mod to play it comfortably in full VR mode.

    Geometry 3D has a pretty huge impact on performance since everything has to be rendered twice (once for each eye) and on top that there is some additional overhead for rendering to the headset. Even with your GPU you likely are better of to not crank up all detail settings to ultra.

    Thank you Ralf.

    So immersive screen or cinema makes most sense?

    I tried Cinema and it looked quite good.

    However Immersive screen as this grey outer border, rather than black. Is there a way to get rid of that?

    Would you reccomend immersive or cinema?


    While you could adjust zoom/curve settings of cinema mode match or go beyond that of immersive screen (including change the ambience gray to black), I’d use immersive for it’s edgepeek ability – making cutscenes/dialogues more comfortable to watch.

    That said, I personally use the letterbox Fullvr mode to lock-in head tracking, which also has edgepeek. I do have a camera mod that increases FOV though.

    Two high impact game settings I would turn down first are hairworks and foliage distance.


    You should consider trying a first person mod at medium settings in full 3D


    Last I tried, Witcher 3 has a terrible first person implementation. It’s tied to the 3rd person camera, so you can’t turn smoothly with all the camera tricks. Idk if things changed, but the mod devs didn’t seem to have any solutions when I spoke to them several months back. I haven’t seen any recent updates over at nexusmods.


    What is lettbox fullVR Mode?
    What is edgepeak?

    I’m such a newb


    Letterboxing can be used in full VR mode to compensate for missing FOV. You can find this setting on the image page of the vorpX menu.

    EdgePeek allows to temporarily zoom out the image to look at HUD elements that may be hidden, use menus or watch cutscenes more comfortably. You activate it with a click on the middle mouse button or left gamepad thumbstick.

    To learn a bit more about basic concepts and important keyboard shortcuts, I’d strongly recommend to check the “Quick Reference” and the “Essential Hints Guide” in the vorpX help. Both answer quite a few questions you may have as a beginner.


    I just bought Witcher 3 on sale for 12 bucks in the hopes of playing in full VR with the first person mod. But it seems the super complicated control scheme for the game makes it almost impossible to control in full VR. If it were a simple WASD layout, it would work great. But third person games always have over complicated controls.


    I just bought Witcher 3 on sale for 12 bucks in the hopes of playing in full VR with the first person mod. But it seems the super complicated control scheme for the game makes it almost impossible to control in full VR. If it were a simple WASD layout, it would work great. But third person games always have over complicated controls.

    It just occurred to me that the vorpx profile for Witcher 3 is to play in immersive mode, which is why headtracking and movement don’t work out of the box. Does anyone have a profile for this game in Fukl VR mode? Or some tips in how to change the in ga,e vorpx settings to make it so?


    Check the “1-2-3 Game Setup” in the help. Aside from getting a first person mod and a FOV mod that’s what you will have to do unless there happen to be first person user settings in the cloud.


    Yes, this is the mod everyone should use. It gives it first person and can also change the FOV…
    I just need to find the right vorpx settings to activate head tracking and fix the keyboard movement controls. If I figure it out, I’ll upload a first person profile.


    The FOV is fine. The problem is head tracking. With the vorpx profile, the head barely moves. I got it to work by maxing mouse sensitivity under game options (vorpx in-game settings head tracking sensitivity had no effect). But because of Witcher 3’s terrible control scheme (or so I’m assuming), turning your head too far left or eight sends you twirling in a pirouette.

    Normally, at this point, I’d just give up, blaming their crap controls — if it weren’t for the video linked below, where a guy plays Witcher 3 with the mod, a rift, and 2016 vorpx, and somehow has head tracking without any uncontrollable spinning.. Any idea how this can be done?

    Link: https://youtu.be/RO533Tgwe4w

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