World of Warcraft looks very blurry

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    very new VR and vorpX user here. First game I try to play with vorpX is WoW, but I really can’t say that I like what I see. I hope my settings are just very bad. I am using the “official” vorpX WoW cloud profile and want to play in Full VR.

    I’ve set FOV to maximum (1.5?) and zoom into first person view. The FoV is ok then but if I move my head, the camera doesn’t move with my head. I have to press right mouse button to have the camera lock to my head’s movement. Is there any other better option than pressing RMB? I thought the camera would always follow my head movement.

    Furthermore anything looks very strange as if I was playing in 640×360. On my monitor anything is super sharp (3440×1440 resolution) but on my headset (Quest 2) it is so pixelated and blurry.

    What can I do? Or is this just how it is?


    You can check here for the FOV and Camera macros:

    WoW showing in immersive, not 3d?

    For the pixelation use a higher resolution, 4:3 aspect ratio as a rule of thumb for vorpX VR Mode.


    Furthermore anything looks very strange as if I was playing in 640×360. On my monitor anything is super sharp (3440×1440 resolution) but on my headset (Quest 2) it is so pixelated and blurry.

    This is a Vorpx bug that causes the squished and pixelated image occasionally. It can be fixed by cycling between full screen and windowed mode in WOW game menu/system. I created a key binding for full screen for my keyboard in WOW/game menu/key bindings/ miscellaneous, then set a button on my mouse to that key binding. This allows me to fix the bug instantly while playing with the click of my mouse.

    Still hoping for a bug fix, can be distracting especially in team dungeon settings.

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