Wow with vorpx : Opinions

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    Hi, I’m thinking of getting Vorpx essentially to experience World of Warcraft Legion in my headset (with G3D I guess). I was wondering if anyone has any impressions with the new patch that they could share. Also, what is the actual G3D experience like and is that the best one for Wow ?
    Cheers and thanks in advance for any comments !


    Not sure if I’m misunderstanding anything, but I could only get wow to play in cinema/full vr/immersive mode. So basically there is no depth perception to it (like a virtual 2D screen in front of you), even with full vr its just a warped sphere of a 2D screen. Am I not doing something right to enable G3D or is this it?


    Please make sure that you start the game normally from the Blizzard launcher for stereo 3D to work. It shows in immersive screen mode since it is a third person game and also rather interface heavy, but it has full Geometry 3D.

    Custom installs with renamed .exe files, old D3D9 versions that are played on private servers etc. do not have stereo 3D though.


    Thanks Ralf! Will try it out later and report back.


    Turned out my antivirus was blocking Vorpx. After turning off the antivirus Vorpx automatically kicks in when the game is launched (from the launcher). Geometry 3D works very well and gives a new feel to the game. Can’t wait for a directVR support for WoW, but I’m very happy with the current G3D support!


    Thanks for your replies guys!

    Do you get a good sense of scale ?
    Also, is it possible to use the mouse to select items in the user interface, cast spells etc ?



    As Blizz allowed to play the new allied races, I started leveling a hunter with Oculus and first person camera all the way (G3D ofc). And this is sooo cool. You can experience all the locations, stories (especially if you are questing there for the first time), interiors, etc from natural character’s POV and it fills like 90% of your field of view. This is just the next level of immersion. Well, maybe I’m a bit biased, maybe it wouldn’t feel THAT great all the way, but anyway. It opened a brand new page of the game for me. Like, just travelling by foot from Duskwood to Stonetalon to begin my questing I’ve found a bunch of places that I really enjoy and that I could never “feel” if I played the usual way (2D, 3d person, monitor, you know).

    I mentioned the hunter class because melee’s 1st person view is generally kinda shitty when it comes to combat, while hunter is ranged + he has a pet-tank, so he’s in the perfect position to be a spectator.


    fps is atrocious playing wow in G3D and i have an i7 5820k at 4.5ghz, 12 gb ddr 4 at 3ghz, and a gtx 1080 !!!


    fps is atrocious playing wow in G3D and i have an i7 5820k at 4.5ghz, 12 gb ddr 4 at 3ghz, and a gtx 1080 !!!

    The most hungry FPS eaters here are shadows and view distance.
    I have shadows on Medium and distance settings like 5-10-10 or even lower, just to reach stable 45. The rest is on highest, 1920*1080 + MSAA.
    1080ti / i7 4790k


    wow with VorpX is pretty awesome but it’s only an immersive screen I would prefer a more wrap around 360 environments so how would I change that>



    More opinions plz ? Because i love WoW but i’m not sure it’s good in VR actually ? :/

    And no video in youtube with the last version of VorpX :/


    wow with VorpX is pretty awesome but it’s only an immersive screen I would prefer a more wrap around 360 environments so how would I change that>

    to get your hopes up for full VR in wow, because you cant custom FoV in wow, otherwise i’d be possible.


    You could try to curve the screen a bit, and bring it close, but you’re right in that immersive VR isn’t possible.

    For those having framerate issues, shadows and AA use a lot of resources as usual, with them turned down I can get a reliable 90fps using a modest gpu (R9 290x).

    Very enjoyable to play WoW in VR though, especially for leveling/dungeon grinding. There are loads of details you just don’t spot in the pancake version; Blizzard’s environmental art and design comes alive like this. I wouldn’t use it for progression though, either mythic+ dungeon or raids above heroic.


    So I’ll start with the disclaimer that Blizzard has a pretty hard stance on 3rd party programs interacting with their games. They have their online monitoring system, Warden, running as you play. Now, there have been several discussions on the blizzard forums with non-answers and “well, it’s probably okay as long as it doesn’t automate anything” but we don’t know that Blizzard is okay with something like VorpX running. So…I started a new account specifically for VorpX/VR as to protect my 14-year old BNet account…

    So I’ve leveled to 70 so far, 100% in VR. It is fantastic! There is so, so much you gain when playing in VR. The detail on stuff in the game, the texture work/design…even things like face paint on the trolls, or picture frames on the wall that are actually in 3d…seeing other people around you (and their mounts) in full 3D models…everything is just great. The cartoonish style lends itself well to VR.

    I feel like this is something I’ve been waiting for most of my life, FINALLY experiencing Warcraft in the 3D world (as opposed to just wow and the RTS games). I’ve noticed things I’ve never seen…things like warlock spells actually arching over your head before coming down on top of your target, or druid spells (that cast lunar or solar) actually throwing giant moons over targets before blasting them with beams…the sense of scale, the grandeur of the world you’re in…it creates a very different feel to the game and is an experience worth having.

    The only issues I had/have are having to zoom to 3rd person to make it easier to find “gather these items”-type quests, or wanting to zoom out when I’m fighting a bunch of stuff at once, just to make sense of things. And of course, since it’s not natively supported, there is some janky-ness in some textures and effects like water, etc. It’s just something you have to accept, and for me it doesn’t take me out of the game. And you gotta know that some people can get VR sickness because you’re moving in 1 direction but your body is standing still…maybe having it on the “big screen” is better than trying to make it fully surround you. In fact, I’ve recently discovered that WoW in VorpX kinda ruined 3d movies for me. I went to see Pacific Rim 2 in 3D and it all seemed so…normal…of an experience (instead of exotic). I realized, after I sat in my favorite seat in the theater, that the screen I was seeing was just about the same size as the “screen” I’ve been playing WoW on for the last month, and both media being in 3D just made it seem normal.

    So, yeah. I definitely love and recommend trying out WoW in VR.

    It’s super easy to use, too. 1.) Run VorpX program, 2.) start WoW. For me, since I’m running a 2nd account, if I use the launcher it logs onto my main (non-VR) account, and if I run my wow64.exe shortcut it has my VR-account credentials already there for me.


    I have planned to do some day a complete leveling for a secondary character in WOW. I feel identified with some things that you have commented.

    For some years back, before having my first child and some extra responsibilities, I used to spend a lot of time in this game, I have some memories like the first time we completed the dark temple in a raid of 25 players, and others like that along with colleagues who will hardly forget.

    With virtual reality headsets now, a world of possibilities opens up, and I can not help but sometimes imagine what it would be like to explore this whole quiet universe during the level rise.

    The least attractive part for me of all this, is that WOW at the moment, does not have a good system for the first person camera and combat, and the default interface is not very suitable.

    I think that this is why the ideal is to take advantage of the immersive mode with Vorpx and third person, along with the help of some interface addon.

    I would like to have available soon, VR headset of higher resolution to be able to make much more use of the immersive mode with Vorpx, and to be leaving aside little by little, my 3D projector for these things.
    Vorpx + headset have an advantage for this very important use, and that is that you do not need to use polarized glasses for 3D that darken the scene.

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