Forum Replies Created
Participantthanks! I think could be a great idea to boost this modality (“big 3d stereo screen simulator”) (not only for fighting games but most of 3rd person games, all of those cause severe motion sick when triying to play them inmersively..), because the 3d stereoscopic is way better with the rift than with any other tech (even 3ds)
Participantlet him have some joy with the rift first!! for a few day… then to hard work! (and news) :)
ParticipantI’ll come back in one week :)
ParticipantThe good news: I backed the Kickstarter on day one. So if all goes well, I should get my Rift quite early. It has to be shipped to Europe though. The bad news: I’m snowboarding in the Alps this week… But back at work next monday.
please,… please, take care of yourself, dont make risky things in the snow just to impress a girl.. could you? we need in good shape next weeks… :)
ParticipantI see…
well thanks anyway.
ParticipantI think he will have it from the very firsts, for obvious reasons.
Participantwhere is the list you talked about? can you post it here?
well I’d love to see Quake I supported by your driver (with full 3d of course!), and doom too, why not!??
is there some third person game in the list?
ParticipantHello, can I ask for some specific game support? (maybe this thread is not for that but I did not dare to create another… :)