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  • in reply to: Does VorpX work with Nvidia surround? #102936

    So I have Virtual Desktop and am using nvidia surround with 3 monitors. It works fine for me on the vive. The three screens just curve around you. The desktop viewer in steam does not…with surround enabled it just shows a green screen. The desktop viewer in vorpx also works…but it displays them as a wall instead of a curve…so the far left and right can be hard to see…still very functional though. Are you just trying to see your desktop or is there a specific app you are trying to run?

    in reply to: Slightly disappointed with my first experience #102640

    It’s definitely not the same experience as the full VR games but that’s fine with me. I was struggling with having this $800 piece of technology that I only play once or twice a week because of the trouble of setting it up and lack of real games. I bought vorpx and started testing a bunch of games out (which is fun in itself). I finally settled on COD Advanced Warfare which I picked up on a Steam sale but never started. I’m almost done with the campaign and have been BLOWN AWAY!!! I couldn’t take the head tracking as you mentioned…it didn’t add enough and actually made things more difficult for me. I switched it to cinema mode, zoomed to -1 so it’s like i’m sitting in the front row, disabled head tracking, and away I went. It’s not as immersive but going from that to playing on my regular monitors is night and day. It’s defintely worth the price of admission and adds so much functionality to my Vive. My only issue is how much tinkering each game takes…it’d be nice if it was truly plug and play. That’s the downside of being on the cutting edge though…a sacrifice I’m happy to make for the return.

    in reply to: World of Warcraft not hooking #102600

    So desktop shortcut didn’t seem to make a difference but I did fix it by going in game settings under advanced and switching the renderer from DX11 to DX9 and restarting.

    in reply to: World of Warcraft not hooking #102590

    I’m running windowed on mine…fullscreen causes my pc to crash (same issue with fullscreen in steamVR cinema mode…seems to be some vive/nvidia driver bug). It just doesn’t seem to make the switch from the monitor to the HMD. I’m curious if any vive users have this working. Were you able to test wow with Vive and Vorpx Ralf? Just wondering if it’s a setting on my end that I should keep messing with or if it’s just a matter of waiting for an update.

    in reply to: vorpx causes black screen followed by system reboot #102438

    So not sure exactly what’s doing that but I have the same issue(had it before vorpx though…steam vr cinema did the same thing). From what I’ve found it seems to be a conflict with full screen mode on games and the way that ties in to the vorpx/vr cinema. My fix has been to set games to windowed mode before starting steamvr/vorpx, save and exit, launch steamvr/vorpx, then launch the game. I figure it’s an nvidia issue and will work itself out in a future driver update.

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