vorpX 17.2.0 has been released.
This release focuses on enhancing Direct VR functionality/stability for existing Direct VR games and additional 3D and Direct VR profiles.
The most important changes/additions are:
- Direct VR improvements to allow positional Direct VR for more games (e.g. most Source Engine games)
- Some Direct VR scan results are now cached between sessions. E.g. field of view in Bethesda RPGs or the full result in Source engine games.
- G3D/Z3D profile for Resident Evil 7
- G3D added for GTA V + Direct VR FOV fix
- G3D/Z3D profile for ABZÛ (cinema mode)
- Z3D profile for Deus Ex: Mankind Divided + Direct VR FOV fix (the game’s native 3D can also be used)
- Various new Direct VR profiles: e.g. Mirror’s Edge, Dishonored, Dear Esther (Source), Duke Nukem Forever, Deus Ex: Human Revolution and more (see changelog below)
If you don’t own vorpX yet, you can buy it here:
Supported headsets: Oculus Rift DK2 and CV1, HTC Vive.
If you already own vorpX, it should auto-update when you start vorpX Control next time. If it doesn’t for some reason, simply use the web installer that you received when you purchased vorpX. It will download the latest version available.
New/Changed: - Direct VR improvements to allow positional Direct VR for more games - Some Direct VR scan results are now cached between sessions. E.g. field of view in Bethesda RPGs or the full result in Source engine games. - Various Direct VR scanner reliablity and speed improvements - D3D11 Geometry 3D improvements - Settings that don't have an effect with Direct VR are hidden in the menu while it is active - Updates do not overwrite user profiles and settings anymore unless a new official profile exists for a game that was previously handled by a user profile Bugfixes: - Parts of menus/HUDs could get invisible with HUD scaling in some cases - Various settings inconsistencies between Direct VR/non-Direct VR mode fixed - OpenVR screesaver timeout did not work correctly with some non-HTC headsets - Black Mesa Source crashed on start with HTC Vive - Dark Messiah of Might and Magic crashed on start with Oculus New Game Profiles: - Deus Ex: Mankind Divided: Z3D, DirectVR (fov) - ABZU: G3D (cinema mode) - Assassin's Creed Unity: Z3D (cinema mode) - Contagion: G3D/Z3D/DirectVR Game Profile Changes: - GTA5: G3D, DirectVR (fov) - Mirror's Edge: some fixes, Direct VR added - Bioshock Infinite: enhanced Direct VR reliability - Duke Nukem Forever: some fixes, Direct VR added - Aliens Colonial Marines: enhanced Direct VR reliability - Bioshock: enhanced Direct VR reliability - Bioshock 2: enhanced Direct VR reliability - Dear Esther: Direct VR added - Half-Life 2: Direct VR now with positional tracking - Black Mesa Source: Direct VR now with positional tracking - Portal 2: Direct VR now with positional tracking - The Stanley Parable: Direct VR added - Dark Messiah of Might & Magic: Direct VR added - Skyrim: Direct VR now with positional tracking, enhanced reliability - Mass Effect 1/2/3: better effect handling - Dragon Age Origins: some effect fixes - Fallout New Vegas: HUD/Pipboy improvements - Dishonored: Direct VR added - Star Trek: Voyager - Elite Force: Direct VR added - Quake 3: Direct VR added - Return to Castle Wolfenstein [2001]: Direct VR added - Borderlands 2: Direct VR now with positional tracking - Borderlands: Direct VR added, effect fixes - Borderlands Pre-Sequel: Direct VR added, effect fixes - Deus Ex: Human Revolution: Direct VR added.