Call of duty World at war

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  • #28739

    Can’t seem to get this to inject, any tips?


    Here is the best way I’ve found to play CoD:WaW Singleplayer in G3D with a suitable FOV:

    Copying the Black Ops 1 profile I am able to hook WaW, though I must turn off Geometry mode initially for the UI/menu to show. (the profile I uploaded now defaults to off on start, feel free to try it from the cloud)

    For best results I set a 16:10 resolution and disable AA to be safe. Also make sure the console is enabled in game settings.

    To increase FOV we must play in dev mode. To load a level in dev mode, enter console command:

    devmap <NAME> (ex.”devmap mak”) See below for a list of map names.

    Once loaded in, enter commands:

    cg_fov 130
    cg_fovmin 125

    Finally, close the console, re-enable Geometry in vorpX with Alt+K, and enjoy the madness of the battlefield in G3D.

    It can be tricky to type commands with a headset on, so wait to gear-on afterward, or try your luck with edgepeek :). Yeah it’s a process, but hey… it works!

    List of SP levels:
    1. mak
    2. pel1
    3. pel2
    4. sniper
    5. see1
    6. pel1a
    7. pel1b
    8. see2
    9. ber1
    10. ber2
    11. pby_fly
    12. oki2
    13. oki3
    14. ber3
    15. ber3b


    I’ve found a better way to do this, no longer needing console commands. Using an FOV Changer is much easier.

    I’ve uploaded an improved profile to the cloud, you can read the new instructions here.

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