Couldn't load LibOVRRT

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    dellrifter22, i’ll try this. But first of all, i’ll try the ‘Skip’ solution of Red ;).

    i’ll let you know !

    thx & regards



    I’ve fixed it to the point where I can launch the game with oculus, updated to the latest runtime. But, I’ve encountered another problem. Whenever I launch the game and put on my oculus rift, I am not in the game I’ve launched, but instead I am in the space of white floor and white background. Any suggestions?


    You are probably viewing the health and safety warning that shows every time you start a game. Push xbox A, or focus your look on the bottom text for a few seconds. If you don’t see the warning text, try looking behind you. Sometimes the “front” is set before you put your headset on.


    Hi everybody,

    i also ran into the “Couldn’t load LibOVRRT”. As Ralf already explained: just uninstall all old Oculus software and install their latest 1.3 Runtime and VorpX runs perfectly again.

    for the DK2 users: although the 1.3 versoin of Oculus states that the DK2 isnt “supported” it does work perfectly. So no problems there.

    I asked Ralf (via the support option on the website) if there is a posibility to make a “revert to older version button” in VorpX. Of course it is anoying that VorpX auto-updates and stops working for users that had a perfectly working VorpX and didnt need new functionality. But please be respectfull and appreciate Ralf’s hard work.




    I to am getting this error and it is because my Oculus run time is out of date. The problem for me is I cant install the newest Oculus stuff because my .NEt framework is funky. Anyone know of a work around to install the newest Oculus run times without the need for a .NET 4 update? I guess I could do a system wipe and windows install but that sound like not so much fun rite now.


    dellrifter22, red, thx, everything is return to normal ! even with better experience with the very mast Ocules Driver.

    Thanks Guys ;)

    Long Life VORPX ! Ho , i would like to play Assasin Syndicate in VR… oNe day ? perhaps ?

    Great WE

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