Couldn't load LibOVRRT

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    it’s a mess, the new Runtime, no more allow the use oftheRift DK2, you need a very recent hadware configuration PISS OFF !


    The driver you spoke about is dedicated to the nex (‘futur) Oculus Rift.


    Please trell US hox we can reinstall, previous version of VORPS , wich runs perfectly with the version



    same problem, vorpx was working perfectly until the last update, now I’m having that error.


    Please make sure that you have only the latest Oculus software installed and that there are no leftovers from any beta runtime on your system.


    Hello. I am having the same problem. Read all the comments, but Ralf is repeating himself like a broken record without reading people’s comments. No offence, but people have been saying that the latest runtime only works with the newest Oculus technology. It doesn’t work on DK2 anymore, I’ve tried it. And when you try to launch vorpX with beta version, it gives this exact error here. Please, fix this. Not all people have the newest oculus, there are with DK2 as well.


    The DK2 works just fine with the latest Oculus software. It shows a warning in Oculus Home, but that’s all. Besides that you can use it like before. What doesn’t work anymore is the DK1.


    All right. I’ve tried with the latest oculus rift runtime and SDK, DK2 headset and it still gives me the same error, couldn’t load LibOVRRT. Any suggestions besides from what I’ve already done? Like updating to the latest version and such?


    The Oculus Runtime Switcher is possibly the cause of your problems. Going from v1.3.x to v0.x and back again has never worked on my systems and has required an uninstall of both (along with manually removing /ProgramFiles(x86)/Oculus directories) and a few restarts to get v1.3 working again.

    Try a clean install of Oculus Runtime v1.3 (after uninstalling v0.x, v1.3 and VorpX and restarting). Don’t install Runtime v0.x.

    Then try an app (without VorpX installed) from the Oculus Store… they all work fine with the lastest Oculus Runtime and DK2. If you’re not getting any errors then install VorpX v16.1.2.

    If you’re still getting the same error I’ll eat my hat.


    another thing to try Is to set unknown sources to on in oculus home setting page general tab


    Just an ADD ON

    The new Occulus Driver checked the Hardware before allow you to access Configurations.
    Now, all the USB connectors have to be plugged on USB 3.0 ports.
    The DK2 runs perfectly on USB 2.0 ports, so we cannot use the new driver on machines where all the USB Ports are not i 3.0.

    So : 0.8.0 needed + Previous version of VORPX.



    The DK2 works just fine with USB2.0 ports, the latest Oculus Runtime (v1.3.x) and VorpX v1.16.2.

    Now you don’t want to hear ‘uninstall and reinstall’ advice, but your problem is not with VorpX but with the Oculus Runtime libraries not loading. This usually resolves with the clean install outlined above, making sure that only Oculus Runtime v1.3.x is installed.

    Once you’ve got the Oculus Store running on the DK2 then you’re good to run VorpX.


    hum .. i’ll try to be more ‘clear’ … Of course DK2 runs perfectly on USB2.0 ports.
    The fact is , AFTER a FULL uninstall (0.8.0), a new download of the official driver (Ralf gave the link) and the install of it, … when the configuration starts, the Oculus Driver Program said : USB 3.0 is required (i’ll send you the printscreen).
    SO, it’s not a VORPX probleme is the new driver wich provoque problems (with the DK2) so PLEASE, could you tell us where to get previous version of VORPX compatible with the 0.8.0 driver. then i could rollback to full running configuration ?

    Very Thanks


    The new Oculus set-up is geared for CV1 hardware, so use the ‘skip’ button to get quickly through the CV1 set-up windows. You’ll jump straight into the Oculus Store. There’ll be a warning that your DK2 is unsupported, yet it will still work.

    Stay with Oculus v0.x and VorpX v0.9.x if you wish, but there’s really no need and the newer versions offer a much improved experience. As Ralf has already stated, ‘please send a mail to support |at| vorpx com’ to request the older VorpX version.


    @ Marquis: Check the bottom of this topic…

    Post with older version

    Remember though, once you launch vorpX, it will try to auto update. So you might need to block net access or yank the cable.

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