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    Press DEL in game to bring up the vorpx settings then set image zoom to lowest (full to left) and vignette scale to lowest (full to left) then hit “save and quit”. However, Ralph needs to provide a fix for when zoom to set to lowest, his settings menu gets so small its unreadable.


    what does it mean to run the optimization wizard for skyrim? i know in vorpx config app there is a optimize game settings tab and skyrim is in the list. to run the optimization wizard, does it mean to apple these settings in this tab? im confused :(


    Please make a factory reset of your vorpX in the vorpX config app (just in case) and try again.

    On the Optimize Game Settings page of the config app you can apply ini-tweaks for various games. Just select the game you want to play, and hit Apply Settings. Be sure to read any hint that may be given there carefully.

    Setting the FOV through the Skyrim console works 100%. This is not a vorpX function, it’s something built into Skyrim. If you enter everything correctly, it does work.

    If you are new to things like this, try without vorpX on a normal monitor first to see what happens.

    1. Open the console with the [~]-key (the key left of the [1]-key. On international keyboards it may look different.
    2. Type fov 120
    3. Press [Enter]
    4. Close the console with the [~]-key


    I have a UK keyboard. so left of my [1] key is [`]. so do i use this? when i press this i dont see a console opening


    I have a UK keyboard. so left of my [1] key is [`]. so do i use this? when i press this i dont see a console opening

    Maybe try SHIFT and that key (beneath the ESC key).


    @ sidni : Maybe your Skyrim config is messed up somehow. Normally this key opens the text console in Skyrim (a semi transparent window that slides in from the bottom of the screen). Not sure how to help you if you can’t open it. There probably are a lot tutorials on the internet. Google for “Skyrim FOV” or “Skyrim console” (without the quotes).

    I’d really like to help you directly, normally the steps mentioned above are all you need to do.


    yesss!!! it was the key under escape. Ralf said to factory reset it and now its working! woo hoo! thanks guys soo much. Was really a stressful trying to get it to work. now im just playing about with the head sensitivity, want to get it just right. What did you guys use? also when i use my xbox controller, for some reason it also controls the vorpx menus. how do i turn this off?


    yesss!!! it was the key under escape. Ralf said to factory reset it and now its working! woo hoo! thanks guys soo much. Was really a stressful trying to get it to work. now im just playing about with the head sensitivity, want to get it just right. What did you guys use? also when i use my xbox controller, for some reason it also controls the vorpx menus. how do i turn this off?

    Well I’m certainly glad I added in that little tidbit :)


    Glad you got it sorted out.

    For the head tracking sensitivity there is no single best setting. The best value depends on the mouse sensitivity you have chosen in the game.

    My personal suggestion would be to set the mouse sensitivity in the game fairly low, and then adjust the vorpX head tracking sensitivity until rotating your head feels right.


    Hey Ralph, just wanted to officially request an easy fix for when setting Zoom Image very low, please fix your settings menu so it doesn’t shrink to unreadable size, thanks in advance.


    Good idea, should be relatively easy to make the menu scale dependent on the set ImageZoom to a certain degre.

    The other option would be to reset the Zoom to default while the vorpX menu is open. One of these will be in the next update.


    any ideas on the Xbox controller? for some reason it also controls the vorpx menus in game. how do i turn this off?


    I suppose this is still Skyrim related? You should disable the controller in the Skyrim options. When a gamepad is active in Skyrim (and other Bethesda games), head tracking does not work.

    vorpX has its own gamepad emulation that takes over when the gamepad is disabled in Skyrim. In this mode the right stick controls the vorpX cursor in the vorpX ingame menu, that is by design. You can remap keys to your liking in the vorpX ingame menus.


    Good idea, should be relatively easy to make the menu scale dependent on the set ImageZoom to a certain degre.

    The other option would be to reset the Zoom to default while the vorpX menu is open. One of these will be in the next update.

    Probably opt for the former, since right now the image shrinks in realtime as I adjust the zoom smaller.

    I have to say right now I think vorpx is the killer app for DK2. With games like COD:MW3 BioshockInf and Skyrim (which I don’t own yet and haven’t tried) it makes the sparsely available tech demos look lame with the possible exception of Elite Dangerous. Hopefully you will get a good list of games working with Geometry 3D. I tried Sega and Sonic all star racing with nvidia 3D vision using the red/cyan glasses and it was a real treat but too much ghosting/crosstalk/coloration issues. Just what is involved in custom “vorpxing” a game like that? Takes a lot of time, in same cases is it even not possible, or is at always possible on a custom support level?


    About 3/4 of the games on the supported games list are Geometry 3D games.

    Creating profiles for games is a fairly complex process, for both Z-Buffer and Geometry 3D. Right now there is no tool that would be usable even by an advanced user. I may look at something like that later, but it’s not a priority right now TBH.

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