Starfield Alpha v0.1

Homepage Forums Game Hints and Settings User Profiles Starfield Alpha v0.1

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  • #217402

    This User Profile does not have a own working 3D effect,
    but the option in the vorpx menu to activate a Side by Side View,
    thus you can install a different 3D-Driver.

    Feel free to ask for support for your 3D-Driver in their own Forum or Discord etc.,this is a vorpx forum and i will not support different 3D-Driver here in the forum.

    Please install the Vorpx Beta and the vorpx (DX10,11,12) hook helper if you will be asked for. (Rename any other existing dxgi.dll to d3d12.dll in the Game Folder of Starfield, before you install the vorpx hook helper)

    1. Resolution

    Set a Square Resolution with Aspect Ratio of 1:1,
    in the Vorpx Beta enable Virtual Monitor
    and add a custom Resolution of for exammple
    2404×2400 or 2164×2160 etc.

    Change or add to the StarfieldPrefs.ini
    %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Starfield
    keep it writeprotected after changes

    bFull Screen=0
    iSize H=2400
    iSize W=2404

    (Use a Window and not Fullscreen or Borderless)

    2. Remove Aspect Ratio Letterboxes

    Use the 010 Editor to change the Hex Values from

    8E E3 18 40 (search for)


    00 00 80 3f (replace all)


    3. Field of View (FoV)

    Create a StarfieldCustom.ini
    %USERPROFILE%\Documents\My Games\Starfield
    keep it writeprotected after changes


    4. Optional: Install the DLSS mod (Asi Loader)

    If you have a Nvidia RTX Card please install,

    Starfield FSR2 Bridge – Replacing FSR2 with DLSS or XeSS (without Reshade !)

    With activated DLSS2 or FSR2 i recommend Resolutiions from 1620×1620 up to 2880×2880

    5. Deactivate in the graphic settings of Starfield, Motion Blur, Depth of Field and Film Grain


    1. If you lost Headtracking, please switch between the Playstyles Cinema, Immersive, FullVR, (de)-activate Edgepeak to get back to working Headtracking


    Problem with using a profile is you cant hook any alternatives for SBS if vorpx hooks because it does it at a lower level or overtakes rendering from other software. This method only applies to games like tomb raider that have built in sbs mode.

    To use vorpx with any other 3d injector you need to use vorpx desktop viewer


    Problem with using a profile is you cant hook any alternatives for SBS if vorpx hooks because it does it at a lower level or overtakes rendering from other software. This method only applies to games like tomb raider that have built in sbs mode.

    To use vorpx with any other 3d injector you need to use vorpx desktop viewer

    reshade works with vorpx !

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