Way to disable the nag screen for Generic 3D (Hit Alt, Control & Shift)

Homepage Forums Technical Support Way to disable the nag screen for Generic 3D (Hit Alt, Control & Shift)

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    I JUST bought the program VorpX out of desperation to try and use my 3d TV. It works AWESOME!!!

    I haven’t even tried the VR headset yet… but its already worth it… But I do have a newbie question:
    Is there a way to disable the nag screen for Generic 3D (Hit Alt, Control & Shift). It’s kind of a pain in the butt to hitt Alt & Control & Shift every time. I know this sounds silly.. but some games detect me touching the keyboard and than thinks I don’t want to use the controller…

    Got an easy idiot proof way to disable this nag screen?

    PS: Personally… I humbly think the programmer should just fix whatever tiny bugs exist for Generic 3D because its already awesome and then really promote selling it to a whole new group of folks… I previously used a program called Tridef 3D.. but that software no longer is supported so I tried ForpX out of desperation… From all of the disclaimers saying it isn’t intended for 3D monitors, I really figured it was going to be junk… but from the few games I tried (i.e. Rayman Origins), its friggin’ awesome and I can once again use my 3D tv. :)


    It goes away automatically after two minutes or so. The latest cutting edge build linked below reduces the display time further:

    vorpX 24.1.0 – Optional Cutting Edge Version

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