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Participanthi, yes i tried the game optimizer settings but it didn’t help.But I reinstalled it and now it does start. however now there is a new problem as i can’t get headtracking to work:
the first time i started it the camera looked constantly to the right. after some restarts and trying to fiddle with the ingame options the camera issue disappeared but the headtracking only worked with a very big deadzone, so the view was centered on the steering wheel and only when i turned my head more than a certain degree the picture did move. i tried reducing that by raising the deadzone correction.
Since i did that head tracking doesn’t work at all anymore only head roll works.
I changed back everything to its original values and resetted the dirt 3 profile in vorpx. but it didn’t change anything, headtracking doesn’t work now. here is anif that helps.
any ideas ?maxpower
ParticipantMad an account to answer this one. Yeah this is an issue with the way the game developer supported 360 input on the PC. The bad news is that it wants you to use either mouse+keyboard or 360 pad. Vorpx uses mouse inputs for head-tracking so when you use a 360 pad it wigs out. Both Thief and Deus Ex: HR have this problem and I do believe they were both made by Eidos. Now this is not all games, plenty do play well with both inputs at the same time like the Crysis and Bioshock series. There is no ini or console command to disable the 360 pad auto-detect within the game and plugging it in after the game has started and using xpadder to map k&m commands to your 360 pad will not work either. Same goes for Vorpx’s own gamepad tool. I spent like 2 days trying to get a work around for both Thief and Deus Ex HR.
THE GOOD NEWS IS that you can use a non xbox360 gamepad and xpadder and control is restored. even has some knock off 360 pads if you want to keep the same joystiq layout for like 10$.
Or you could just go k&m but if you wanted to do that you wouldn’t have asked. Thief does come out to be a glorious experience though once you get it all setup.
thank you for taking the time to answer. That sounds great, tomorrow a friend will lend me his ps3 controller so I will give it a try with that if that works I think I wil order one of your mentioned knockoff gamepads, guess that should take care of my gamepad problems in skyrim as well.
thanks very much :)maxpower
Participantok i simply reinstalled thief and the vorpx drivers now the screen is filled almost completly, works great! one other thing i discovered: there seems to be someproblem with the xbox wireless controller. as soon as i connect it the game starts “to look around ” uncontrollably and quite a lot, the game becomes pretty much unplayable. is this a known issue with any way around it ? sadly i don’t have another controller here atm to test if the problem occurs with every gamepad or only this one.
ParticipantOk for me it seems to have helped to set the systemsettings to ONLY show the screen in the rift -don’t know why that is. also it crashed again when my AntiVirus Scanner was doing a scan in the background and steam was installing another game so maybe its some problem with CPU usage? Anyway if Mord people still habe problems linke this maybe this helps you too.
@ralf : thanks for the fast reply. Portal 2 works Awesome! really great work alone for that vorpx was worth the price !
Participantis there still no way to get it working? I only get to the first loading screen, then it crashes back to the desktop
Participantit works for me pretty well so far. i had to restart the game and set all settings to low. but what kind of annoys me is that i think the distortion isn’t right. i can see the edges of the screen which breaks the immersion a lot is there any way to fix this. I used the settings suggested by vorpx.