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  • in reply to: Outlast 2… holy wow #169805

    Setting a 4:3 resolution fixed having the bugged out hands for me


    Yah buckle, once i got my ball mouse rolling (pun intended) i was able to progress w/ that fov and then do the scan. Basically found the exact same thing u did.

    in reply to: Bioshock 2 head tracking on arms #128381

    10/4 I went back and read one of your previous responses in regards to scans working depending on where you are in a level, and that seems to be true for me w/ Bioshock Infinite. I think i have the settings tweeked properly now for it work long enough to not cause issue. Pitch locked mouse has def helped unlock a lot of options for me.

    in reply to: Bioshock 2 head tracking on arms #128339

    In addition to this, i had bioshock infinite working just fine, untill i got a little bit into the game and tried to tweek settings. Then it fails the fov scan every time and doesnt leave me w/ any options to tweek it. Really wondering if this is something i have installed on my computer or something thats messing w/ this cuz dishonored was failing fov scans the same way but worked when i first started playing it.


    Ile try a full restart to when i get home. Honestly dont drop to much time into it if thats the case. Was hoping it would be a simple “do this thing cuz i had the same issue”. Ile just move onto bioshock 2. :P i got plenty more to check out


    Thanks for the response. I should have clarified, after i do the scan the headtracking doesnt work and vertical mouse movement is not disabled. I go into the settings and it says that i have head tracking on and that vertical mouse movement is stopped but its not the case, even when i switch them on and off. Tried toggling 3d geomtery, head tracking, but once that fov scan fails nothing works. Once it passes then head tracking works and vertical mouse movement is locked. So i basically cant play untill i talk to somebody and not every level starts w/ a conversation.

    in reply to: F.E.A.R. 1 + 2 #128304

    Do you have a pitch locked mouse? How did you deal w/ vertical movement? Does it support direct VR? This ones next on my list

    in reply to: Outlast 1 on Vive #128179

    Any news on this? Pretty upsetting not being able to play Outlast in VR when its got all this hype around it. Had same issue. Camera night vision is unplayable shits no bueno.

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