The z-normal actually looks pretty damn nice in its own right. Gorgeous game world, much better than F4 in my opinion.
Yeah, it’s definitely an acceptable option for those with struggling GPUs or in need of more FPS. Power Armor visuals are distorted and hard to look at tho, at least using the renamed FO4 profile. What an astonishing creation, the various regions are really terrific environments — Cranberry Bog in 3D, ACKGGKKGKGKGKGGKKGkgughrgh! Definitely bigger hordes coming at you in high level areas than Fallout 4, pretty tense situations if you’re alone with a box strapped to your face.
Looking forward to the good stuff later today — had a really great time last night, half in VR and half on ultrawide. I love the world building, the satisfying game loops, the random chaos of other players — most of whom so far are super friendly. DOF effect stripped away, shout hosanna!
This is way more my speed than something like ESO, I can’t get into that WoW gameplay for some reason. I know it’s getting a lot of indignation from the WE WANT THE SAME BUT DIFFERENT brigade online, but I applaud the experimentation. You can also feel the DNA of things like UO and Galaxies coming from the Austin studio. Bravo, Bethesda! Now get cracking on a VR port when you finish Wolfenstein and Blades VR.