I hope VorpX will become very popular, but I’m also afraid of this, because now the support is GREAT, REALLY, my fear it’s if VorpX will become really popular if you will ask something or a workaround for a game, the wait for that workaround will become very long because there will be thousands requests
Most people being really interested in vorpX will mostly find out things on their own with actually using the app and learn things by doing/using. I´d see only some slight problem with people who ask before even trying or finding out on themself, “the lazy ones” if you want.
The good side with those lazy ones is, their questions are not complicated to answer, even regular users could answer them easily without having Ralf´s brains and understanding.
So if requests will become high in astronomical proportions, i am sure Ralf would hire some staff to answer requests anyway.