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Nice. What profile did you use for a base? i tried to get this to work for a while but i never got a good result.
I haven’t played in a while but i remember there was something wrong with the oculusEnabled () method. I believe you couldn’t move at all from the location you started playing in or something similar. It was bad enough that i went to find another solution, which vorpx provided. Give it a shot and see what you think.
Star citizen already works, there are profiles on the cloud. Iv played it a few times now and if it wasn’t so damn buggy it would be amazing. Feels good in vorpx, runs quite well considering.CFodderParticipantI just installed it and tested and the above method worked fine. When it was set at 90 it was like being in a fish bowl and i could see my feet the whole time. Some what humorous but sickening. For me, 50 is great for cinema and 60 for full vr seems good.
Im guessing you have probably already tried this but if not you could try backing up your current video.scr file and then making a new one, copying the above text as the contents.
I honestly don’t see that working because it’s only really graphics settings but its worth a shot.
The other thing i thought it may be is a permissions issue. Other than that im not sure sorry.CFodderParticipantThat is weird. I don’t have it installed at the moment but i remember the fov adjustment worked because i went way overboard with it at one point. Im sorry i can’t help more but i have simply forgotten how to adjust this one. If i get some spare time i will revisit this and see if i can find an answer.
CFodderParticipantIt has been a while since i have played this one but from memory the fov can be adjusted in a file.
I went and googled it, have a look at this link, you should be able to make the fov what ever value you want.
How to increase the FOV beyond the maximum setting.
by u/tboi07 in dyinglightEDIT: Oh i see i already mentioned this in my first post. Was there a limitation on this method?
CFodderParticipantJust wanted to update this. Sometimes(most) you have to start the game twice to get the hook. Still works great though. Game is amazing in 3d.
CFodderParticipantI recently got Dota 2 working and im having a blast with it again. So cool seeing all the chars and scenery in 3d. Probably going to lose another thousand hours to it now.
CFodderParticipantHi. I made up a profile and shared it on the cloud. It seems to work quite well. If you mess with the shadow options one of them turns down the flickering light effect a little bit which i personally didn’t like much in the game.
CFodderParticipantAll good. I was just kind of hoping maybe someone else was having a similar issue and there was and easy permanent fix. Alt tabbing is pretty easy itself though so it’s no problem. If i find a definitive reason il come back and post why it was happening. Thanks a ton for your help.
CFodderParticipantThanks again for replying. I just did a little bit of testing. I checked steam and all sync options are turned to off.
Started Far Cry 2 up. When i got in game i was running at 45 fps ( in both headset and game). I hit alt tab and then again to get back in to the game and instantly both fps values went up to 90 and stayed there. So just alt tab is fixing it.
The problem happens every time i start the game so it is a reproducible problem but it also happens randomly while playing which is odd.Il have to do more testing, perhaps it is games that are run in fullscreen only. I have only recently started getting the problem though which is also odd.
CFodderParticipantThanks for the reply. I am one of those people that prefers to play at 60 – 70 fps rather than 45. Im using htc vive with the gear vr lens mod.
I tried turning off all the settings to try to keep ny form of sync off but it still turns itself back on again.The reason i think it is a vorpx thing and not steam vr is that if i open the vorpx settings while in game( delete key) and turn async on then straight back off again it works. The problem is it will turn back on randomly at some stage and il have to repeat those steps.
CFodderParticipantIn case you are still looking for it i put a profile for postal 2 up on the cloud. Didn’t do a huge amount of testing but everything seemed to work just fine.
I changed the game to open gl renderer in the video settings and set it to windowed mode.
CFodderParticipantForgot to mention.
In video options of the game select windowed mode and check the box for use open gl renderer. Enjoy.CFodderParticipantprofile up on the cloud.
In video options of the game select windowed mode and check the box for use open gl renderer. Enjoy.CFodderParticipantI think it was just cause 3 that was the base for this one. I tested many many profiles and most of them were mediocre at best. I was almost ready to go back to the base VR vomit fest when i found this one.