Forum Replies Created
Participantis that the Minimal Foam Replacement Set for Oculus™ Quest 2 (Dark Grey)?
ParticipantCrab Game.
It’s new
It’s free
It’s not graphic intensive.
It’s funCrackerBrand00
Participantthanks! recommend a thin pad to accompany?
Participantdidn’t realize it was yours, my mistake and no offense.. maybe i’m setting it up wrong
ParticipantIt’s not good. Car looks like it’s stuck in a hill, and is basically unplayable imho. Bought from Steam and kept anyway hoping a new profile will be made
ParticipantNeed for Speed: Hot Pursuit Remastered
There is a cloud profile, but it’s pretty much unusable. Looks like your car is weirdly stuck in a hill the entire time. Just bought it hoping it would work.. Deciding not to refund it in case one day it doesCrackerBrand00
Participantty very much, is there an english purchase option I’m missing? can’t tell if he does intl shipping
ParticipantTeam Sonic Racing (2019)
the second in the series is supported via community profile, but not the new one
Participantyeah it’s bizarre. rebooting or restarting the portal didn’t work for me. It hasn’t worked for the last week, but now I just started a game, and about 10 seconds after it loaded the headtracking kicked in.. so i guess i can use openxr again at least for now.. frustrating… but hey.. it’s working
ParticipantI remember when that happened. Did some posting about it. Then the problem disappeared for months.. so I wonder if WMR portal occasionally does some updating in the background that isn’t friendly with the vorpx cold.. because it just came back out of the blue and is relentless
Participant@Lawrence1962 Is there a place to purchase a frankenFOV deluxe? have mobility issues, self construction is an issue
Participantnot sure if it was your profile because it wasn’t the same name, but it did say based off of Ori.. didn’t seem very 3d, but somehow made my eyes hurt.. not disrespecting your effort, just trying to give good feedback. thanks for your work (if it’s yours)
Participant1. Resident Evil 2 Remake (immersive mode)
2. Resident Evil 7 (vr mode)
3. Resident Evil Revelations (immersive mode)
4. Resident Evil 5 (immersive mode)
5. Resident Evil 6 (immersive mode)
6. Batman Arkham Asylum (immersive mode)
7. Dead Island Definitive Edition (vr mode)
8. Sonic All Star Racing Transformed (Theatre Mode)
9. Quake Champions (Theatre mode)
10. Tekken 7 (Theatre mode)BONUS: GZDOOM VR MOD, not VorpX, but it’s probably my favorite VR game period. Everyone should try this, works with Doom, Doom2, Final Doom, Heretic, Hexen, and more.. near perfect experience.
ParticipantAnyone who doesn’t know what this is.. It’s a multimedia experience based off of the music of Radiohead. Maybe not be huge in the US, but considered some of the most influential and groundbreaking music of the 21st century. It’s a visual experience of audio… breathtaking. Anyone who hasn’t listened to radiohead’s music from 1997ish on should check it out.. Creative genius
ParticipantThis would be great advertising for VorpX also.. Games, and “experiences”